Monthly Archives: January 2016

Dear readers,

firstly, a Happy New Year! Make your wishes come true!

Secondly, all of our Android apps except YAABy were updated shortly:

Get our Android apps via Google Play Store.

What we completely dismissed is Facebook. We deleted all of our Facebook sites associated with our projects (for obvious reasons meanwhile). What you still can do is like the articles inside our apps and on our web pages, of course. But Facebook is there just another social site of many. That’s the way it should be, we thought.

Thirdly, we made them Marshmellow-compatible, which means Android 6.x.x support. According to our experiences from our inhouse testers the Chromium engine running our apps is much more stable and faster then in previous app versions. Try it, feel it! It’s always best to upgrade Android apps to the newest versions anyway.

If you want to do us a favour (upgrading apps is a time intensive and nerve eating process), use Flattr as well as Bitcoin underneath this post! We. Need. More. Alcohol!

See you around!
the aethyx staff

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