Monthly Archives: November 2021


Dear readers and customers,

November was such a busy month at this small company that we almost forgot to post an update here. :>

Sorry for that.

But in the background quite some things are happening, as we develop the following topics currently around your most favourite indie European media house:

  • the consolidation for our apps and websites goes forward, step by step
  • as such, we are currently updating code in two of our apps (YAABy and the video game “Zombie Resistor”)
  • we close projects (
  • we build up and set up completely new distribution channels, main focus on social media here (thanks, Khrystyna!)
  • we prepare for campaigns of all our purchaseable products we offer as the most important holidays of the year are fastly approaching
  • we try to not loose our minds during an ongoing pandemic with new virus strains :>

So look forward to hear more from us, over more channels than ever, with more handsome actions and coupons as ever before in our history!

We are proud to be part of that and want you to be a part of that too! So contact us anytime, we’re happy to help:

Best wishes,
the aethyx staff

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