We hope you had some quiet and beautiful days with your friends and/or families!

We as an Independent Online Publishing House wish you and all of our readers as well as the users of our apps

a wonderful and successful 2015!

The bestest,
the aethyx staff

P.S.: The title above is to nothing related whatsoever. Just in case you were curious.

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This is a completely new field for us, but we are happy to be there: Right now it is also possible to enjoy our projects on Android devices!

play store logo

We made an app for (our gadget webzine) and (our video game webzine) respectively. These are available here:

Our first two official Android apps on Google Play.

Due to the fact these zines are those with the most visitors this step is quite logical of course.

What we can say for now is that these apps won’t be our last. Android is a completely new way to experience consumer electronics. It is very likely that we will write more apps. And of course these will also be stand alone applications which might not be directly associated with our new media ambitions. There is so much more you can code. If you find the time…

But remember: This is just a starting point. We begin to understand what Android does and so are these first two apps. Don’t expect too much of them, we are not backed by a mega corporation (which has its advantages, btw), so we are not able to pay for hundreds of programmers and stuff. This needs time. And these apps are just several weeks “old”.

In the meantime we hope to enrich your lifes even more. This a whole leap forward. We hope to keep up the pace. See it as a free & open surplus of what we do.

Read you soon,
all the best,
the aethyx staff

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We are glad to announce that the very first version of our website-theme is now online!

We kept it simple and chilly with light grey– and dark grey-tones, perfected it with bright sun-yellow here and there and used Georgia as the main font for the site.

As you can see we also modded the title fonts: Now you can enjoy Nec Plus Ultra everywhere with the click of a mouse button!

We are still in “Beta”-Status because we will add more functionality to the site over the next couple of weeks, like Social Bookmarking and printing. Stay tuned!

Let us now what you think about the current theme-update!

Just use the contact-form here or write an Email directly to info[at]!

the aethyx staff

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Welcome, traveler!

We are, a young and independent online publishing house from Germany.

We are specialized in creating new media. 

We consider the Web to be the best platform to do this.

We think that you in fact are the media and develop everything around it.

Enjoy your stay! Much more to come soon!

the aethyx staff

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