
Dear readers,

we still believe in free speech.

Though times get harder every day for those who want to find a voice for their opinion.

Thus, we created an Email post box which exists solely in the dark web since November: aethyx@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion.

From time to time we’ll check for new mails. Not on a daily basis but several times a month.

There were a few reasons why we chose TorBox as a provider:

* good reputation
* offer their services for a pretty long time already
* are not available through the clearnet
* 25 MB are free
* it’s easy to set up

Who knows, maybe we’ll widen the experiment some day in the future. Right now we’re taking part, observing. Today, it’s just an experiment.

We share the opinion that the dark web (or darknet, as it’s synonymously used) is still in it’s early stages of development. But as we stated above and elsewhere on our sites, things won’t get easier from last year on. Democracy is under attack and also its citizens. And for millions, who knows how many, the dark web became their one and only spot to communicate, to trade, and source of information. We are an independent online publisher, we support that. And want to be part of it. And no, we don’t think you’re paranoid: you are just normal.

Let’s fight for our freedom!

the aethyx staff

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