
Good day!

It’s summer plus it’s 2017, so it’s about time to update our Android apps the following weeks.

We would like to begin with an already uploaded update of our inhouse web browser YAABy.

YAABy icon

The newest version here is able to display favicons and is now also usable on all the coming Chromebooks. You’ll find all of the information regarding this release on the official website: Just click on the banners from Google Play Store & Amazon there to arrive directly at the product detail page. We hope you enjoy this newest version as much as we do!

Right now we’re programming the updates for,, These will be available the next two weeks or so. In sum it’s an update for Android 7.x.x (Nougat) and some code cleaning. These will be the last updates also before the official release of Android O by Google. We hope you like what you’ll see and as always…

…if you want to support our work, please flattr us or donate some Bitcoin! The appropriate buttons are shown on every single page here on Every donation will be fully spent inhouse to keep this project running and save us nerves and financial drama in the near and far future. It’ll also secure our unique idea of an indie web publishing house which we think will become more and more important regarding current political and media situations worldwide.

That’s it from AETHYX MEDIAE for now,

only the bestest to all of you,

the aethyx staff

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Approximately one and a half year ago one of our authors hacked together an Android app for FEMEN. The nature of this movement involves bare human breasts which is the main reason we weren’t able so far to distribute it via offical app stores like Google Play.

FEMEN Android app icon

But fear not, the author released the app already into the wild and it’s actually available via GitHub, see here:

Licensed under the GPLV2 which means the digital world is invited to add code as well as features at any time to develop this project further.

Most of the time so far the releases here are maintenance releases: updating the app to run under the most current Android OS version as well as updating the resources used here. Social networks take down FEMEN pages quite often for no reason. To find and implement new content as soon as possible is one of the main tasks for new versions so far.

Please share and include the app into the open repositories where possible!

Also, don’t hesitate to join the project if you’re a coder or have new ideas for this app!

There should be more movements like FEMEN out there. The world would be a much better and more intelligent place for all of us. Rock on, girls!

the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

firstly, a Happy New Year! Make your wishes come true!

Secondly, all of our Android apps except YAABy were updated shortly:

Get our Android apps via Google Play Store.

What we completely dismissed is Facebook. We deleted all of our Facebook sites associated with our projects (for obvious reasons meanwhile). What you still can do is like the articles inside our apps and on our web pages, of course. But Facebook is there just another social site of many. That’s the way it should be, we thought.

Thirdly, we made them Marshmellow-compatible, which means Android 6.x.x support. According to our experiences from our inhouse testers the Chromium engine running our apps is much more stable and faster then in previous app versions. Try it, feel it! It’s always best to upgrade Android apps to the newest versions anyway.

If you want to do us a favour (upgrading apps is a time intensive and nerve eating process), use Flattr as well as Bitcoin underneath this post! We. Need. More. Alcohol!

See you around!
the aethyx staff

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Good day!

In celebrating our fresh new look we are going to give you 10% discount on all of our products!

Our offer will be available until November 15th.

Additionally we are currently looking for free lance open-source Android developers who would like to share their expertise on new projects we have in mind. Come on board and we’ll see what happens!

Finally the hottest summer in Europe is over, have a nice autumn 2015!

the aethyx staff

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Hey folks,

we hope you had a very fine spring and let’s hope for a hot summer all over Europe!

Right now we are a bit in a transition process.

Firstly we need more authors for our expert blogs. Of course it’s heavy to communicate with interested writers without offering them money or other compensations. But due to lack of time for our families as well as friends it’s difficult to keep those mediaes running. To be honest, we are not sure how long this search for authors will last. And we know that we begged for more authors for years now. So, we need help here. Fast.

Secondly, all of our Android apps were already updated in 2015. Grab them here if you didn’t know of them already: Our apps on Google Play Store. These apps are also available via Amazon as well as Opera.

Thirdly, our indie web browser YAABy will be updated soon! We keep having difficulties integrating favicon support. This is no problem, we’ll deliver in the future. We fixed two little bugs and extended an available feature to the max. You’ll love it!

Fourthly, Facebook is all messed up. We will NOT be able to deliver content to this social network in the near future. We are not sure if ANY developer is fixing those issues with their new API. This affects ALL of our magazines. Sorry. We’ll keep you updated.

So long for the moment,
the aethyx staff

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