
animated cheetah

Dear readers and customers,

after 14 years existence of this neat little Indie online publishing house, let us introduce you now to our official mascot: the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)!

We chose this animal for several reasons. Here is why:

  • it’s agile: no animal on Earth could represent this spirit more. It’s our ultimate goal in anything we do here since our inception
  • it’s a cat: everybody loves cats! So do we
  • speed: the Internet changed the way we consume, interact with and create media. You need velocity for that. Perfect for our agile approach
  • it’s majestic: the cheetah knows exactly what it does. Every movement during the hunt requires perfect coordination of the body. Oh, and if things get hectic, luckily you can catch it with your tail!
  • it’s a neat predator: as a company, you sometimes have to be able to negotiate tough. It is an advantage if you look cute here

As positive as this may all sound, to this day, the cheetah is still listed as “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Because of that, we support the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) since many many years with a monthly double digit Euro amount. With our help, we are a godfather for a cheetah (we are currently having our third animal already) and ensure that the animals are able to survive for many years to come in the wild.

You can do this too: as an individual through donations. As well as a company. Any help is highly appreciated not only by us (the big cheetah fans) or the CCF but by the cats themselves. Purr!

What we will do now is insert small cheetahs from time to time here on our website. If you find one, send us the address (URL) of the page where you found one to At the end of the year you may be one of the lucky ones to win something! It’s a surprise but we are sure you will like it. Chirp Chirp!

Stay tuned and never stop running,
the aethyx staff

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