Dear readers and customers,
today we want to celebrate the most beautiful and sophisticated planet Earth came up with as of yet: women!
It’s hard to believe but to this day, women are still one of the most oppressed groups of people in our (modern?) society.
In many countries, so called developed countries in the western hemisphere included here, there were only small positive changes in the last centuries. Centuries where women were gaslighted, hunted, tortured, burnt alive for ridiculous reasons, sometimes even just for the sake of the most human wish, progressing in oneselves life.
Why those positive changes were only so small throughout such unbelievable long times would burst the scope of this blog post and is still a hot debated topic in academic circles – we thus want to keep it there, as change will come only from science in our times.
So let us all remind ourselves to be always fair to women, be kind. Don’t be the puppet of stupid harmful dogma from millenia ago. Be a part of the change instead, always try to show women your best. If in doubt, always stand by the women. Because without women no one of us would be here: no life, no breathing, no light nor colour but only darkness, silence and loneliness until all of eternity.
Happy Women’s Day!
Empowering the people means empowering women. Maybe we can’t show it to you all the time. But we love you. Be strong and keep on!
All the best,
the aethyx staff
Dear readers,
today is World Day Against Internet Censorship!
Amnesty International as well as Reporters without Borders do their best to unblock and mirror as many websites as possible.
This event exists since 2008, 2016 they helped websites from Turkey, Vietnam and Saudi-Arabia by mirroring the censored contents through cloud services.
Also keep in mind that ad-blockers exist for the same reason: we wouldn’t need them without omnipresent online surveillance!
No government shall decide which websites its citizens may visit or not! No critical topic shall be banned from the critical minds eye! Stop and fight internet censorship wherever possible!
But why not start your own journey on the internet finally? AETHYX MEDIAE as an Independent publishing house realises indie web projects by giving you the opportunity to self-publishing since January 2010 already.
Prices start at 50€ for your own personal CMS (Content Management System) hosted on the server of your choice!
Besides, our cloud services use the free and Open-Source solution Owncloud hosted on secure servers in Europe. Prices start as low as 1€/GB per month!
Contact us directly via Email,, and with our help you switch from a passive consumer to an active creator in no time!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Yours sincerely,
the aethyx staff
We want to celebrate the 12th of February for one helluva scientist: Charles Darwin!
To oppose all those stupid people out there who still think humans developed from flying spaghetti monsters.
The first Darwin’s Day was celebrated on April 22nd 1995. Afterwards especially atheists, scientists and students made it happen on February the 12th, Charles Darwin‘s birthday.
To see what events are happening today, worldwide by the way, visit this link:
Let’s keep it this day with their first slogan: promote public education about science! Celebrate sciences! Celebrate humanity!
Yours sincerely,
the aethyx staff