
Don´t panic
Seen in Konstanz, Photo taken on March 14th by Michael Kowalczyk

Dear readers and customers,

as the Corona pandemic day after day sets another European country into crisis mode, we as an online publishing house Made in EU have to react too in one way or the other.

Thus, from this day on until at least April the 19th, all personal meetings and communications are cancelled.

Where applicable, use your own PC for communication or, as done already in the past, stay in home office directly.

Some tips for the coming weeks:

i) use video call tools, e.g. WebEx, Jitsi, etc: it’s up to you which one to use but clear it first please with your partner(s)
ii) communicate on a regular basis: be it via phone, Email or instant messenger. Staying in contact has top priority now as this crisis can hurt our daily businesses badly
iii) no external meetings, meet virtually: some of our Asian partners use VR tools for presentation and development. Check first if you got those tools when involved, otherwise see i) and ii)
iv) protect who’s important to you: we understand that your family has top priority now. It’s okay to stay with them if not possible otherwise. Please check your tasks first in our online project management system and ask a colleague if she/he can help out or cancel a call/conference beforehand
v) stay calm, positive and healthy!

We’ll keep you updated the coming weeks.

Best wishes and kindest regards,
Sascha Schroeder
CEO & Founder

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