Monthly Archives: January 2020

Fresh Apple Splash

Dear readers & customers,

Happy 2020, folks!

It’s a fresh new year and as such we want you to stay fit and healthy for what lies ahead!

You know what people say about health and fruits: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

What better way to start a news post for us as remembering and using exactly this analogy, right?

What’s more, right now we’re in the middle of working on our brand new health app for the Android operating system. The very first one, to be exact.

We don’t want to relieve too much but expect a release around June/July this year. This will be also the first app where we’ll offer the possibility to buy additional services in-app. We hope to make money of it (we’re indie but still a company…) as well as target an ever growing audience from the health sector. Our prognosis shows a tremendous market which will not only grow superb for the next decade, it’s exactly our thing and something we l-o-v-e to offer here officially at AETHYX MEDIAE.

Regarding our web projects we don’t think there’ll be too much development as we think these are already mature and working as intended. But also here: never say never!

For those who are joining us a bit late (AETHYX MEDIAE is becoming 10 this year, ehemm), find a neat overview about what we did and currently do here:

Thanks for being with us!

Drop us a line anytime:

We <3 you and best wishes,
the aethyx staff

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