the aethyx staff

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Nobody Knows What Lies Ahead

Dear readers and customers,

there’s currently a battle going on between hobby traders and greedy hedge funds about GameStop crap shares.

There were riots and a successful transition of presidency in the USA and the capitol.

And, most important, we got four or five good to very good vaccines against COVID-19, as well as WHO investigations underway in China, finally.

Despite, we really don’t know what will come for 2021.

We don’t think it’s enough to “hope for the best”.

We want to be honest and had the worst year since our existence in 2020. We are currently unsure if we’ll be still alive by the end of this year.

We don’t want to sound pessimistic – we are realists and always were. There will be consequences from last year, there will be serious shifting. Client-wise, maybe as well as portfolio related. Not only for this year but years to come.

So, instead of promising you stuff which isn’t realistic and lying in your face directly – we don’t know what lies ahead. At the moment, we really give a sh*t about it.

Welcome to a fresh new year,
we don’t think this will be difficult for us only,
all the best,
the aethyx staff

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Happy New Year 2021

Dear readers and customers,

we wish you a Happy New Year 2021!

May the next 12 months be full of joy, happiness, luck and of course health! Because the latter is the most important and most precious humans may obtain.

And please, promise us to get the vaccine against COVID-19 as soon as these are available for you and your family! Don’t be stupid. Science is the most precious we have achieved as a species. Never stop fighting for science, as well as for the truth! Because the truth will set you free.

We’re out.

For us, 2020 was the most difficult year in 10 years of our existence. We are proud we made it. So should you. We love you! Thanks for supporting us! Sincerely, your most favourite independent online publishing house, AETHYX MEDIAE.

Peace and take care,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

the major problem for an indie publishing house like us developing for the F/OSS environment is not what to develop next or how to innovate but how to make money out of it.

It may sound unbelievable but in the last 30 years of open source existence, to this date there doesn’t seem to be a viable business model.

So, even if it is a lot of fun and we’re proud to be part of the WWW since more than 20 years as of this year, it sounds pretty incredible and frustrating that we, as others, aren’t commercially successful.

Why is that so is up to a discussion which we now would like to share with you all. It sheds some light on the problems we and others face and also tries to find some solutions for the bigger problems we had from the open source community in being a commercial success over the last decades:


Living in pandemic times made the year 2020 the hardest so far since our founding in 2010. We’re working hard to deliver like always but it’s an open secret that to this date our work doesn’t compensate like a typical 9-5 job in the IT industry. Which is a pity but a reality we were ready to face from the beginning. Yes, we were young and stupid, ehhh, idealistic, back then.

But fear not: not every question in life needs an answer, that’s just not how reality works. With this posting we don’t want show our frustration but share some insights about the harsh business reality we and others from the open source community face on a daily basis. To be honest, if you’re not doing from your heart and not willing to create for some dozens instead of hundreds or thousands of users, you should overthink your ambition in general here. And believe us also when we say we’ll find a solution for every problem – it’s just a matter of time and it will tell us and others too that we were completely right from the start. F/OSS already runs and rules this highly technologised world, so we’ve got that going for us which is nice! 🙂

Take care, stay healthy, and enjoy your pre-Christmas times this year,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

by the 2nd of November Google will disallow all Android app update uploads which provide no support until at least API 29/version 10.

To avoid this, we already updated some of our apps on the 21st of April but fell short for others. This was due to a transition from our development environment to the official Android Studio. We still don’t have an easy time migrating our apps, be assured. Problem here doesn’t seem to be code but the UI, especially the downwards compatibility.

So, long story short we will provide updates for YAABy and Kryptowiki over the weekend. By Monday the 2nd there will be no Android 10 missing anymore from our side. We guarantee.

Android development still is a lot of fun for us despite the quirks, so we’re not planning to fall short of more updates and new features for years to come. Plus, by planning one or two more aquisitions in the future, we surely will have something in our sleeve to surprise our users and enhance our portfolio too.

In the meantime don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re in need of an own app: visit our Android product overview page for more detailed information.

Stay healthy and happy social distancing,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

we took some time the last weeks and invested it wisely into new and easier pricing schemes for our products.

By implementing a three stage matrix (“starter”, “professional”, “ultimate”) which applies to all of our product categories, your choosing of your appropriate product will now be a breeze.

Plus, by adding additional infos about the exact scope as well as the concrete pricing anywhere, you will quickly get a feeling of what you really need and what can be implemented.

Try it out if you haven’t already, we’ll provide the categories right here in a short overview

Weblog development.

Android development.

Cloud services.

Ebook publishing.

Of course it’s possible to reach this information like in the past through our menu bar, only the content has changed, not the links to our product sites.

We’d be happy to hear from you as we’re here to serve you!

For a better and more sophisticated future in IT. Together.

Enjoy the beginning of autumn, always wear a face mask where necessary and take care,
your aethyx staff

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