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Alaska - December 21, 2020

Dear readers and customers,

another tough year is coming to a fast close. And we have the impression that despite all the goodwill and best wishes for the new one from all sides currently, it will be another year full of hard challanges.

But we won’t complain.

Why? Because from 2010 to 2020 we lived through a whole decade of prosperity and wellbeing here. You could basically follow any crazy idea and find investors for it if you searched hard enough. The quality of our products and our lives improved drastically. Again. Progress couldn’t be stopped. At the same time humanity totally forgot that this is not a natural state: nothing goes on for a decade. That’s not how life works. And in our lightning-fast and over-stressed world there’s a price to pay if you stay on the throttle ten years in a row.

In our eyes, what’s happening the last four years straight is consolidation. We need change, drastic change. We need to get better: psychologically, phisiologically as well as financially. If we won’t do it now there will be no future for us humans on this planet. We should take this as a chance, we should take this seriously. And no war will bring us even an inch closer to accomplishing this noble target. Let’s work together and make it better now finally, shall we?

We wish you and your loved ones Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Stay healthy, let’s recharge our batteries now. And if you have the strength and ability next year to change our world only a little to the better, just do.

Take good care,
your aethyx staff

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Merry Christmas!

Dear readers and customers,

how and wherever you celebrate, work or just spend a few quiet days: we wish you a peaceful time, health, reason and empathy!

The advent calendars have certainly been looted, the gifts have hopefully all been bought and the Christmas tree is in place – another year of the pandemic is drawing to a close.

We hope that your company or organization will be spared the effects of blackmail trojans, because the BSI expects more attacks if the staffing levels are thin during this time. Some employees will have had a lot to do up until today’s festival due to safety precautions.

The Shabbat begins for the Jews this evening, Christians then celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, but today is also the day of remembrance in some churches of the supposedly first parents of this planet, who are said to have only been born when it was light.

The entire AETHYX MEDIAE staff as well as the editors of,,,,,, wish you Happy Holidays!

May you look back on the past few months at your leisure and prepare for what is to come. We wish the desperate confidence, all sick recovery, the corona infected a mild course, all mourning consolation, the exhausted strength, the lost a guide, the fearful courage, the hateful insight and all refugees safe accommodation.

The IT world will not stand still in the seven days until the turn of the year, we will also provide you with the latest news on the holidays and between the years as well as some longer readings. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and a peaceful, happy and successful 2022. Stay healthy!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

we took some time the last weeks and invested it wisely into new and easier pricing schemes for our products.

By implementing a three stage matrix (“starter”, “professional”, “ultimate”) which applies to all of our product categories, your choosing of your appropriate product will now be a breeze.

Plus, by adding additional infos about the exact scope as well as the concrete pricing anywhere, you will quickly get a feeling of what you really need and what can be implemented.

Try it out if you haven’t already, we’ll provide the categories right here in a short overview

Weblog development.

Android development.

Cloud services.

Ebook publishing.

Of course it’s possible to reach this information like in the past through our menu bar, only the content has changed, not the links to our product sites.

We’d be happy to hear from you as we’re here to serve you!

For a better and more sophisticated future in IT. Together.

Enjoy the beginning of autumn, always wear a face mask where necessary and take care,
your aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

a not so irritating and very, very busy year 2019 finally comes to an end.

We worked hard to achieve as much as we could, unfortunately we didn’t have luck with everything we did.

We won’t repeat here what we achieved, it’s already available through our archive.

We want to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas time!

And a happy New Year 2020!

May the force of winter be with us! <3

Best wishes to all of you,

the aethyx staff

P.S.: Yes, it’s that time of the year again! ^^

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Dear readers,

if you want to change the future, if you want to be a part of what lies ahead, now it’s the right time to join artificial intelligence development.

We already are engaged in the following fields:

  • semantic web publishing via weblog technology
  • cloud technology via giving you the chance to be a part of it via owncloud
  • be a part of Android, which will influence the way we communicate & and use technology in the near future. Maybe forever

What is kind of irrational is the fact the we as a company show you the path what you as an individual or company should do: program AI. Program it. Now.

Yes, of course the question will be here: how? It’s incredibly easy.

Keyword: deep learning. Do it as a student would do. Use the tools which are already available. Yes, as a follower of AETHYX MEDIAE for years now, this may sound familiar and logicial. Believe us: it isn’t. People are stupid. People are lazy. Go ahead. Or we will do it, again, on our own.

In Germany we call this Fehdehandschuh. We never made jokes. This is serious business right here.

For those who won’t believe us, here a translated quote from the print magazine DER SPIEGEL, page 19, issue #14 2017:

“May be, but Google published in January the following message: scientists of the company invented an AI software which creates better AI software on its own. A digital perpetuum mobile.”

Welcome to your present! Wake the f**k up, please!

On the page prior to that statement, it starts with what we would like to encourage you with this snippet:

“Deep Learning is a mechanism which is learnable in a simple way. The tools for this technique are downloadable anywhere on the internet”

Geez, we are online since January 2010. This is _exactly_ what we shouted out via our Why? page:

“Secondly, technology is nothing without the human being. We have the tools, we live in the 21. century, it is time to be active. Your life has value. Do not waste it in front of the TV. Be active, forget your passive past”

We won’t say here what tools you should use, you decide. We won’t say here where to find these tools, you should know by now how. But just do! Heck, create this sh*t! On your own! It’s easier as you might think.

That’s it from us about this AI buzz. Stop playing video games, stop being a black hat, start to use and program AI!

We will do the same. We always did. Poor Lenos, who didn’t recognize this by now.

Best of luck to you out there,
the aethyx staff

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