
Patreon logos as of May 2023

Dear readers and customers,

we are happy to announce that since a few weeks you are able to support us via Patreon too:

Our supporters get to see behind-the-scenes content and lots of exciting extras and goodies. Pledging is also an easy way to subscribe to our internal news in the near future, delivered in full glossy digital editions right to your inbox. This way, we’ll have a direct contact channel to our humble readers and customers worldwide. We are exicted and looking forward to welcome you!

Current subscription models in the short overview:

  • 1.50€/month
  • 5€/month
  • 12€/month

The higher the pledge, the more in-depth the goodies become. At the moment, no matter which route you take you’ll get the unique AI generated medaillons for free!

So long from your favourite indie publishing house. Take care and see you there,
the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

Dear readers,

we at AETHYX MEDIAE believe strongly in the Ethereum project initiated by Vitalik Buterin. In fact we think it’s the hottest candidate for “Project of the 21. century”. We currently don’t know if such a contest even exists but want to support the project as of now our way.

Official Ethereum logo
The official logo taken from

Thus, after implementing an option to support Bitcoin in 2014, as of now it will be possible to support AETHYX MEDIAE via Ether donations directly.

We will roll out the donation buttons on our most popular medium first, Afterwards we will implement it here, on, as well as on all our other projects onwards.

As we couldn’t find a pre-made button for our intentions we made one inhouse ourselves.

Well, two in fact, as we couldn’t decide for the naming. So one of them just says ethereum, the other says donate ether, both in using the official font “Print clearly” which we found out via reddit here.

We also decided to share both buttons with the world. ^^

You can download them here as well find an official document:


  • using official font “Print clearly”
  • official Ethereum logo, it’s just a resized version to fit the button
  • official background colour #ECF0F1
  • beveled button
  • two versions available
  • *.png file extension
  • size 110x20px
  • CC BY-SA 4.0

We tried hard to stick to the official visual identity guideline as much as possible.

We hope you enjoy! Made with <3 in Europe!

All the bestest,
the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

Dear readers,

if you want to change the future, if you want to be a part of what lies ahead, now it’s the right time to join artificial intelligence development.

We already are engaged in the following fields:

  • semantic web publishing via weblog technology
  • cloud technology via giving you the chance to be a part of it via owncloud
  • be a part of Android, which will influence the way we communicate & and use technology in the near future. Maybe forever

What is kind of irrational is the fact the we as a company show you the path what you as an individual or company should do: program AI. Program it. Now.

Yes, of course the question will be here: how? It’s incredibly easy.

Keyword: deep learning. Do it as a student would do. Use the tools which are already available. Yes, as a follower of AETHYX MEDIAE for years now, this may sound familiar and logicial. Believe us: it isn’t. People are stupid. People are lazy. Go ahead. Or we will do it, again, on our own.

In Germany we call this Fehdehandschuh. We never made jokes. This is serious business right here.

For those who won’t believe us, here a translated quote from the print magazine DER SPIEGEL, page 19, issue #14 2017:

“May be, but Google published in January the following message: scientists of the company invented an AI software which creates better AI software on its own. A digital perpetuum mobile.”

Welcome to your present! Wake the f**k up, please!

On the page prior to that statement, it starts with what we would like to encourage you with this snippet:

“Deep Learning is a mechanism which is learnable in a simple way. The tools for this technique are downloadable anywhere on the internet”

Geez, we are online since January 2010. This is _exactly_ what we shouted out via our Why? page:

“Secondly, technology is nothing without the human being. We have the tools, we live in the 21. century, it is time to be active. Your life has value. Do not waste it in front of the TV. Be active, forget your passive past”

We won’t say here what tools you should use, you decide. We won’t say here where to find these tools, you should know by now how. But just do! Heck, create this sh*t! On your own! It’s easier as you might think.

That’s it from us about this AI buzz. Stop playing video games, stop being a black hat, start to use and program AI!

We will do the same. We always did. Poor Lenos, who didn’t recognize this by now.

Best of luck to you out there,
the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

AI Translator
  • 127