
The latest buzz

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We want to celebrate the 12th of February for one helluva scientist: Charles Darwin!

To oppose all those stupid people out there who still think humans developed from flying spaghetti monsters.

The first Darwin’s Day was celebrated on April 22nd 1995. Afterwards especially atheists, scientists and students made it happen on February the 12th, Charles Darwin‘s birthday.

To see what events are happening today, worldwide by the way, visit this link:

Let’s keep it this day with their first slogan: promote public education about science! Celebrate sciences! Celebrate humanity!

Yours sincerely,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

firstly, a Happy New Year! Make your wishes come true!

Secondly, all of our Android apps except YAABy were updated shortly:

Get our Android apps via Google Play Store.

What we completely dismissed is Facebook. We deleted all of our Facebook sites associated with our projects (for obvious reasons meanwhile). What you still can do is like the articles inside our apps and on our web pages, of course. But Facebook is there just another social site of many. That’s the way it should be, we thought.

Thirdly, we made them Marshmellow-compatible, which means Android 6.x.x support. According to our experiences from our inhouse testers the Chromium engine running our apps is much more stable and faster then in previous app versions. Try it, feel it! It’s always best to upgrade Android apps to the newest versions anyway.

If you want to do us a favour (upgrading apps is a time intensive and nerve eating process), use Flattr as well as Bitcoin underneath this post! We. Need. More. Alcohol!

See you around!
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

in general we are looking back to a year of terror in Europe. Whether it’s Al-Qaida or ISIL, the apocalypse is currently destroying important human culture all over the world. As human beings we know already that there is no solution to answer terror with more terror. We hope our politicians will get this as well as support those poorer countries and its populations. This may be a process which was started only several years ago but will be on our European agendas for centuries. You see: A lot of couragious work lies ahead for all of us Europeans and their future generations.

Nevertheless, one shouldn’t forget to look into a brighter future. Europe works, the European idea is one of the most successful ever since World War II. The best: It’s because of the people and families who live here.

We are looking forward into a new year 2016 with less sadness, less horror, less hate. Such cataclysms will only weld together what belongs together. Terror will never win. Europe knows war personally and by its name for centuries. So solutions will be found, peace restored.

Maybe this year one shouldn’t celebrate religious holidays, religion is destroying everything since 9/11. Celebrate yourself, your family, your accomplishments! God is dead, thank goodness, welcome to the a brand new millenium for all human beings worldwide since 2015!

the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

since the “Snowden files” we the people will never be able no more to use the internet in the way we used it before 2013.

Open internet is dead.

What we must use now is VPN to protect our internet communication and in fact anything we do online.

Crux here: VPN costs you money.

We may say that this is one of the consequences which will never be reverted from what happened on September the 11th 2001. It took a while, twelve years in fact. But since 2013

your. internet. costs. money.

Not only through your provider but because of your usage!

To show you how much you will have to pay each month to simply use your internet, see one of those VPN comparison charts:

We also recommend using a VPN provider which doesn’t offer its services from US soil. Europe should be much safer due to the fact we have better privacy protection as well as less conservative storage options for your data. Also keep in mind to choose a VPN provider which never saves your logs.

We hope we could help you sheding some light on this serious topic. It’s something which isn ‘t mentioned by any of those media houses which made the stories by Edward Snowden public. It’s something which Snowden mentioned between the sentences. Difficult times lay ahead for all of us internet users.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

we interrupt our broadcast for this special message:

Life. Today. Is. Harsh.

We don’t know what we have to say today anymore: Your TV is tainted. Your radio is tainted. Your social networks are tainted.

Come on, girls & guys! Be active! Forget imperial bullshit and become your own medium!


For those who don’t know yet: It’s a website by one of our Asian friends which shows you alternatives to all those surveillance websites/companies out there on the internet.

To know this source is essential these times, especially for Europe.

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not trying to get you.

Good luck to you,
the aethyx staff

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