Dear readers & customers,

PHP 5.x which was made public in 2014 is nearing EOL at the end of 2018.

This fact lead to the circumstance that we have to code hard to make all of our plugins and themes PHP 7.x compatible until 2019.

an unofficial WordPress plugins logo
Graphic source

Right now we’re exactly doing this and have already had some success in it.

So we are sharing our WordPress plugin repository with the world, in which you’ll find all of the plugins we use on our sites and we could successfully port to PHP 7.1:

Right now you already find three updated plugins. This repository will grow in the near future, so stay tuned.

We’re probably the only ones still maintaining these plugins. Some of them are very, very old. No wonder, as we’re using and developing for WordPress since 2005 already.

Feel free to share, test and contribute.

We’re giving back to the community here. This is how open source works in the end and we’re happy and proud to be a part of that.

Happy coding & maintaining,
the aethyx staff

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