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Hello dear readers!

We would like to inform you about the fact that we moved our Gadgets weblog Gizmeo.com to a whole new domain. It now resides under


Visit the website clicking the hyperlink in the left sidebar under “Web References”.

All the articles, feeds, pages, images, etc., will be redirected and all search engines out there should change their respective listings the following weeks automatically.

This is one of our most important steps this year: As a young an independent publishing house from Europe with European roots, European heritage and defending an European future plus European culture, it is our duty to move away from commercial domains and use what’s representing us the most.

The most recent example is yaaby.eu, where our indie Android web browser YAABy is blogging.

We would be happy to see other publishing houses from Europe doing the same. As of the end of this month the domain will become 10 years old already! The thing is: To this day only 3.9 million such domains were registered. What a pity regarding 500 million residents in the EU!

We hope to be an inspiration to follow. Hint: Also aethyx.eu will become aethyx.eu as soon as possible.

Become independent from Verisign and the USA! Use more domains from your respective territory! Support more regional developers as well as companies!

Thanks for listening.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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Hello dear readers,

firstly we have to admit that we’re not here to release global political statements. Our intentions as well as our plans tell us to leave those topics alone, but our time as well as our global state tell us the opposite.

What we are trying to say today: We currently live in a complicated world where we have to cope with 8(!) world wars at the same time. As always, as history told us wisely, the media doesn’t want you and your family to know this. Keep in mind: These wars, and there are much more to come, will occupy the lifes and minds of your descendants for at least



It’s an easy calculation: You’ve only seen the prologue what was started 13 years ago. This fucked up world state will now last


human years.

Are you ready to head into the future like this? Don’t you think the stupid white man should stop reproducing? Are you ready for what awaits you when you are dead?

Don’t get us wrong here. Every human should have the opportunity to find salvation. But it’s up to you and what you do with your life. What you do will come back to you, even after death.

Of course you may live on, watch TV, hear radio, consume instead of create, be a slave to the system.

But never forget: The system will always be here. It’s up to you, if you will end up as a white pig or do something yourself. Use your creativity! As a human, you’re unique! We have the tools, we live in the 21. century, be active!!

That’s the reason why we’re here: AETHYX MEDIAE. Independent Semantic Online Publishing. Made in Europe.

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Hexalogy d-o-n-e:

cnc6 cover klein THE CIPHA.NET CHRONICLES VI sum up the cipha.net-archive from October 2008 to October 2010.

Includes 350 articles, unabridged and with all of the links.

765 (ebook, according to "Calibre")
6.22 MB
May the 18., 2014
Direct Links:
@XinXii (free preview)
@Amazon (free preview)
@Google Play (free preview)
blog, weblog, e-magazine, cyberpunk, cyberspace, anthology, texts, online, chronicle, archive, internet, indie, independent, underground

– – –

cipha wants to thank no one: Every important person is already mentioned in all of these books or was/is prior to these releases on the website itself. There will never be another or similar project. This is written cyberpunk history.

Good night, good fight,
the aethyx staff

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