Dear readers,
2016 was a sad year for the western civilisation. What happened with BREXIT and the election in the USA was a cataclysm which will throw humanity as a whole back into uncertain times. When even the Oxford Dictionary is naming “post-truth” as word of the year, one may anticipate what lies ahead.
But these are not the times to surrender. These are changing times, times to step out of the pack and finally start fighting.
Regarding new technologies we got all the tools we need. Now is the time to use them. Against those who are against us, against tolerance, multi-culturalism, diversity, freedom, peace, free will. As stated in the last decade by some, “there’s a war on for your mind”. Don’t be tricked. It lies in your hands, literally.
Help those who want to leave those exploiting places, think for your friends and families, mind money less. No matter which way you finally choose, no matter which tool you decide to use, you did it for yourself, your social contacts, completely on your own. And no matter which problems you may run into, we are here to help, just drop us a line: Or use our comfortable contact form.
Well, stay sharp out there! 2017 won’t be easy, that’s for sure. Let’s forget 2016, as fast as possible. Historians will call this one of the lost years of humanity some day. If they will be allowed to work still, of course.
“Enjoy” your holidays & we wish you a wonderful start into the new year! Keep on fighting! You can do it!
Only the bestest,
your aethyx staff
Dear readers,
firstly, a Happy New Year! Make your wishes come true!
Secondly, all of our Android apps except YAABy were updated shortly:
Get our Android apps via Google Play Store.
What we completely dismissed is Facebook. We deleted all of our Facebook sites associated with our projects (for obvious reasons meanwhile). What you still can do is like the articles inside our apps and on our web pages, of course. But Facebook is there just another social site of many. That’s the way it should be, we thought.
Thirdly, we made them Marshmellow-compatible, which means Android 6.x.x support. According to our experiences from our inhouse testers the Chromium engine running our apps is much more stable and faster then in previous app versions. Try it, feel it! It’s always best to upgrade Android apps to the newest versions anyway.
If you want to do us a favour (upgrading apps is a time intensive and nerve eating process), use Flattr as well as Bitcoin underneath this post! We. Need. More. Alcohol!
See you around!
the aethyx staff