
Yukon Sunrise

Dear readers and customers,

2025 freshly started and with it comes hope and optimism. Why not get active now and change to the better what we have in our own hands?

Let us help you with it. In the end, that’s why we are here. For some nice 15 years now.

When we started this project we didn’t know what the world would be in the future. There were some technological developments going on already which made it clear though that it will be all around the web. Gladly, to this day nothing here has changed.

What has changed is the mindset. However we can’t and won’t blame people here as all became way to complex to handle it all in a very limited amount of time.

So what we still try is to help people making the most of their limited resources. Be it time, money, hardware or software. We excel here because we know about the problem and needed to find workarounds for ourselves. Many realised and successful projects later, we wanted to give back what we experienced and thus the idea of AETHYX MEDIAE was born.

Our philosophy is you can achieve what we did too. And with our help you will need much less resources for this goal. What we burned you don’t need to burn yourself anymore, so to speak.

For us, people come first, technology second.

It’s no use to have the best tools lying around if nobody can use them. So we will not only help you set up your project, we’ll also accompany you in your journey to excel in it. Be it your own weblog where you share your knowledge and experience with the world. Your own Ebook with which you realised your dream of becoming an author. Your cool app which helps tackle an immediate problem in your every day life. Or in sharing your data with your loved ones or colleagues via secured and data proteced cloud services on EU soil.

It’s in your own hands. Never forget that and never loose your optimism.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,
your aethyx staff

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Nobody Knows What Lies Ahead

Dear readers and customers,

there’s currently a battle going on between hobby traders and greedy hedge funds about GameStop crap shares.

There were riots and a successful transition of presidency in the USA and the capitol.

And, most important, we got four or five good to very good vaccines against COVID-19, as well as WHO investigations underway in China, finally.

Despite, we really don’t know what will come for 2021.

We don’t think it’s enough to “hope for the best”.

We want to be honest and had the worst year since our existence in 2020. We are currently unsure if we’ll be still alive by the end of this year.

We don’t want to sound pessimistic – we are realists and always were. There will be consequences from last year, there will be serious shifting. Client-wise, maybe as well as portfolio related. Not only for this year but years to come.

So, instead of promising you stuff which isn’t realistic and lying in your face directly – we don’t know what lies ahead. At the moment, we really give a sh*t about it.

Welcome to a fresh new year,
we don’t think this will be difficult for us only,
all the best,
the aethyx staff

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