
Data use in context

Dear readers,

it may sound like an unsexy topic but it’s an important one for sure: as of today, May 25th 2018, the EU law GDPR takes full effect.

This law was written down two years ago already and is primarly designed to fine corporations or institutions for a lot of money if these don’t comply to data protection standards.

What sounds like a good thing for the individual is a nightmare for small publishers or freelancers like us here at AETHYX MEDIAE.

Nevertheless we agree totally with the EU intentions and thus decided to implement special features for users to voluntarily opt-out of data collections services.

At AETHYX MEDIAE we are using the following services which use cookies and thus should all provide an opt-out possibility by default:

  • Google Adsense: for targeted advertising on all of our commercial websites
  • Adshot: an Adsense clone which we use for research purposes as well as an alternative to Google Adsense
  • Matomo (formerly Piwik): for website analytics like where do our users come from, which browsers they use, etc.

We already published all of this information on our contact page for years:

What’s new here is now an option to opt-out from Matomo, the website analytics, with a click of a checkbox.

For Google Adsense as well as Adshot we’re still missing this option. It’s not our fault, neither Google nor Adshot are currently able to provide a convenient opt-out option. The only thing we can do at the moment is to promise to implement this option when it will be made publicly available. We don’t think it will take very long as we are sure advertising agencies will know what lies ahead of them if they don’t comply.

All in all it’s definitely a good thing for the future of individual data rights. Some may curse the EU for these restrictions. We at AETHYX MEDIAE deeply believe that Europe did a great job in protecting human rights. It’s a pity there exists a panic at the moment when this law exists since April 2016 already. Thank your government if you feel uninformed here.

Thank you for using our sites and services.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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