
Dear readers and customers,

by the end of this month, we are reaching the end of our very first year of AI art generation. Okay, technically it’s not AI but strict machine learning. But nobody gives a damn out there anyways.

So without further ado, let’s celebrate our most popular creations for the first time and tell you some details about them (click to enlarge):

#5 Atlantis

This is really one of the first ones we ever did, end of August 2022 with the open source tool Stable Diffusion on one of our laptops. The command how we generated it can even be seen publicly on the artwork detail page on Deviantart. We are proud we made it and it aquired 6 fans so far. (Buy it as an adoptable for 9$)

#4 8K Space Odyssey

We were experimenting with the built-in generator tool from Deviantart called “DreamUp”. The biggest difference from what we could create last year is the resolution: 1280x1280px instead of 512x512px here. We didn’t see much of a difference in details or quality. We guess “DreamUp” is built around Stable Diffusion itself as it’s freely available as an open source artwork generator tool. This space odyssey attracted 7 fans so far.

#3 Japanese concept cars in a Japanese cherry tree spring setting I

Another one created with “DeviantArt”s own tool. The prompt is there as well, 7 fans so far.

#2 Japanese concept cars in a Japanese cherry tree spring setting II

Except the cherry tree alley, we think this one of the ugliest ones we ever created, haha! Nevertheless, it’s almost our most popular, attracting 9 fans so far. Same as above, from our five most popular AI art creations, three are currently done by “DreamUp”.

#1 a Neuromancer quote

It honours us that the most popular AI art creation was done by us with our local machine! It’s the visualisation of an original Neuromancer quote: “His eyes were eggs of unstable crystal, vibrating with a frequency whose name was rain and the sound of trains, suddenly sprouting a humming forest of hair-fine glass spines” We and 8 others think this must have been a masterpiece for its prompt. And we won’t complain, as it’s also the only entry here with a comment (Thank you soulcreator789!).

Currently, we are testing out SDXL 1.0 on the exact same machine. Our first experiments look promising, although we want to be honest and admit that a hardware piece from 2019 with 6GB of RAM shows us our current limits very fast. We can’t do hi-res creations, as an example. And one creation with a minimum stepping of 30 iterations takes over 10 minutes for us. So it seems, before we can invest 3,000€-4,000€ to get that 4090 laptop on the market, we have to sell a gazillion of adoptables to really be able to keep up pace with the current industry. Yes, being indie is hard, no doubt about that.

We hope you enjoyed our little artwork excursion today and who knows, if we are still in the AI art creation space next year, we publish another AETHYX MEDIAE artwork ranking entry. 🙂

So long and keep counting those s/it,
your aethyx staff

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