
In one of the most important posts of May, author Farhad Manjoo explains in an article for the New York Times how Twitter is being used for spreading false and misleading information:

“How Twitter Is Being Gamed to Feed Misinformation”, via

The term gamed in the title is a bit misleading though, as it implies you gain personal advantages in posting misinformation. Due to the fact that Twitter can be used and controlled easily by robots (or botnets), we also want to add another component here: this is often done simply for fun. Technologically, Twitter is complete crap.

But there are alternatives.

We as a publishing house already offer high-tech and dedicated services in the same field since 2010:

we try to encourage anyone to use your own website, your own blog, your own skills in spreading information. Alas, a friendly reminder that we still sell complete packages which start at 50€ only for making your “own Twitter“:

Or maybe you want to directly publish an eBook on your own, we offer help here too:

It will feel like a breath of fresh air when you recognize that you can use more than 140 characters, insert additional files with your fingertips and format the code of your posts to your liking in no time. 😉

You can do it! We’re here to help!

Sincerely yours,
the aethyx staff

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We are glad to announce that you find our flagship project, the ultimate games weblog, now on Facebook with its own Facebook page!

You can visit us now at any time via the following URL:

The main advantage is that you will get our news updates inside your news stream. So you won’t miss anything anymore.

Of course the main language in which these excerpts are written is German but you will also find a link back to the individual entries where you can let Google translate the content for you.

So, let us know what you think and we hope you will like and enjoy it! Show us your thumbs!

All the best,
aethyx staff

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