Splitter: Symbolbild
Above: just a visual representation, not the actual report. Find details below

Dear readers and customers,

information is the currency of the current century. Demand will surpass that of oil soon enough.

As such, we are proud to announce a new product line as of now: we call them splitters!

What is a splitter?

A splitter is:
* an investment report about an NFT project
* inside, we present you on five slides in a compact and readable form if the NFT project you are interested in is worth investing
* available as PPT or PDF. Or both
* unique: you name us the NFT. We do research and analysis about it and put it into those reports
* only 99€/splitter

Why should you trust us?

You mean, despite we are an indie publishing house from inside the EU knowing the web from A to Z since 22 years now? Here’s a quick timeline:

2013/2014: we mine Bitcoin through ASICs
2014: we accept Bitcoin and support it on all our projects
2017: we get our first Ethereum address and start investing in Ether. This cryptocurrency was only worth 500-600€ at that time
2017: we launch, the one and only cryptocurrency wiki for German speaking countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria – 100+ million native speakers here). Bitcoin was worth only 2,237€ at that specific time
Also 2017: we launch, a cryptocurrency startup
2018: we launch an Android companion app for Kryptowiki. Same year: we support Ethereum and create open-source projects for it
2019: we observe the NFT market closely via We don’t own NFTs yet
2021: we own NFTs. Same year: we sell official merchandise with our NFT artwork
2022: we do splitters and sell them for 99€ per report, so you know if you should invest in an NFT or not. It’s our way to do serious NFT consultancy

Where can I get my splitter?

It’s easy, as always: just hit us up via Payment is possible via the usual payment methods (PayPal, Bitcoin, Ether, IBAN, etc.).

We’re AETHYX MEDIAE, we’re here to help!
Anything related about the WWW, just drop us a line!
We go ahead while others don’t know what to do!

Stay safe and hope to hear from you soon,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

we are officially back in the merchandising business here at AETHYX MEDIAE! Hee-ho!

We are proudly starting off with our own NFT collection here. Over time this will certainly grow, at the moment we hit 119 articles already. For our future developments, please support us and use the following webshop we provided for your convenient shopping:

Let us present you our current collection in a bit more detail now:

CryptoKitties Count Mugness 200px CryptoKitties is one of the oldest Web3 games using Blockchain technology but to this date definitely one of the most sophisticated. Our own bred CryptoKitty Count Mugness may not be very rare, it’s at #2004979, but we created it 100% on our own. Nice Goodies: drives a cart(!) and wears the Ethereum logo on its forehead. This kitty will go places for sure!
Hashmask 5810 Hashmasks is an amazing living(!) digital art collectible project from Switzerland. This is our first mask we could obtain here. Standing at #5810 it was named by us and is now called Nut after the Egyptian Goddess of the sky. It makes us very proud to be part of this project, so proud we obtained another one this year…
Hashmask 15681 …which is this one: Hashmask #15681. Not named yet. Only 16,384 digital portraits were ever produced, making both Hashmask NFTs currently our most rare and valuable.
Great Ape Society NFT 200px Sometimes we just get stuff for fun and no other reason, so this ape from The Great Ape Society was purchased because… whatever! It reminded us of Raoul Duke from “Fear and Loathing Las Vegas”, played fantastically and hilarously by one of our most favourite actors, Johnny Depp. Obtaining this NFT was thus a no-brainer. If you think it can’t get more hilarious, wait until…
Great Ape Banana Weapon 200px …you see this banana weapon! This was actually minted by us for around 50€. We didn’t know what we would get, it was a surprise algorithm. We think it fits perfectly in case, you know, our ape above has to defend his territory in a way some day. Or whatever.
Tokyo Cyberpunk #3 200px Last but not least: our Tokyo Cyberpunk avatar, #3 of only 5,000. Cyberpunk is what us defines the most at AETHYX MEDIAE. And to be honest: most NFTs on the market right now just don’t click with us. So we are proud and very happy to own one from a project which we would have been happily and proudly created ourselves. Which we didn’t, we don’t have a clue how to do NFT art, sorry.

That’s it for the moment, folks!
Please buy our stuff!
Every Cent will be re-invested in the projects we create and maintain here at AETHYX MEDIAE.
New here and want to know what we do? No problem, please head to to see all of our projects we proudly do since 2001.

Hints? Questions? Love letters? Hit us up anytime via!

Keep on doing what you’re doing because you are great,
best wishes,
the aethyx staff

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