
Multi-Row Tabs (Tab Mix Plus hack) for Firefox 81

Dear readers and customers,

we blog.

We share links.

We put articles into Wikis.

And nevertheless at the end of each day, we still have so many open tabs in our browsers, on mobile devices we already see an infinity sign – the browser lost control of the amount of open tabs.

But fret not!

Keep the tabs open!

There was never more information out there to process for humans and bots alike.
A link shared delayed is better than a link never shared!
Because sharing is caring.

All the best,
your aethyx staff

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License translation
Above: MIT licensing in a nutshell 🙂

Dear readers and customers,

from time to time we stumble over interesting topics on our web journeys which are invaluable for sharing.

As in this case, we want to present an Introduction to open source software licensing today!

We didn’t do this on our own, we just want to link back to an essential article from some kind colleagues from Brazil here:

We don’t think they leave anything open. What’s best, they limit themselves by four or five lines of text per license.

Let us know if you need help choosing the right one for you! Consulting by us, AETHYX MEDIAE, will be only 75€ per hour!

Stay safe and happy licensing,
the aethyx staff

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“Summer time, and the living is easy…”

Dear readers and customers,

it’s summer plus holidays and all over Europe the heat waves are rolling.

So we’ll keep this entry as short as possible:

Linux sign which says “Please don’t mind this sign”, Chemnitz, Germany

For those that are more into reading, we strongly recommend the following post by Michael Aldridge from 2nd of May:

Android. Debian. Upcoming revolutionary open hardware movements like RISC-V.

We <3 what we do and how we do it: we support open-source!

Happy summer holidays,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

since the “Snowden files” we the people will never be able no more to use the internet in the way we used it before 2013.

Open internet is dead.

What we must use now is VPN to protect our internet communication and in fact anything we do online.

Crux here: VPN costs you money.

We may say that this is one of the consequences which will never be reverted from what happened on September the 11th 2001. It took a while, twelve years in fact. But since 2013

your. internet. costs. money.

Not only through your provider but because of your usage!

To show you how much you will have to pay each month to simply use your internet, see one of those VPN comparison charts:

We also recommend using a VPN provider which doesn’t offer its services from US soil. Europe should be much safer due to the fact we have better privacy protection as well as less conservative storage options for your data. Also keep in mind to choose a VPN provider which never saves your logs.

We hope we could help you sheding some light on this serious topic. It’s something which isn ‘t mentioned by any of those media houses which made the stories by Edward Snowden public. It’s something which Snowden mentioned between the sentences. Difficult times lay ahead for all of us internet users.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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