
“Summer time, and the living is easy…”

Dear readers and customers,

it’s summer plus holidays and all over Europe the heat waves are rolling.

So we’ll keep this entry as short as possible:

Linux sign which says “Please don’t mind this sign”, Chemnitz, Germany

For those that are more into reading, we strongly recommend the following post by Michael Aldridge from 2nd of May:

Android. Debian. Upcoming revolutionary open hardware movements like RISC-V.

We <3 what we do and how we do it: we support open-source!

Happy summer holidays,
the aethyx staff

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Good day!

It’s summer plus it’s 2017, so it’s about time to update our Android apps the following weeks.

We would like to begin with an already uploaded update of our inhouse web browser YAABy.

YAABy icon

The newest version here is able to display favicons and is now also usable on all the coming Chromebooks. You’ll find all of the information regarding this release on the official website: Just click on the banners from Google Play Store & Amazon there to arrive directly at the product detail page. We hope you enjoy this newest version as much as we do!

Right now we’re programming the updates for,, These will be available the next two weeks or so. In sum it’s an update for Android 7.x.x (Nougat) and some code cleaning. These will be the last updates also before the official release of Android O by Google. We hope you like what you’ll see and as always…

…if you want to support our work, please flattr us or donate some Bitcoin! The appropriate buttons are shown on every single page here on Every donation will be fully spent inhouse to keep this project running and save us nerves and financial drama in the near and far future. It’ll also secure our unique idea of an indie web publishing house which we think will become more and more important regarding current political and media situations worldwide.

That’s it from AETHYX MEDIAE for now,

only the bestest to all of you,

the aethyx staff

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“summer time and the living is easy”

Summer is hell when it is that warm and uncomfortable and you are sitting in front of a computer.

So, what we do now is: We go outside.

We recommend this for you, too.

If you can not get loose of your hobby/profession/whatever then there are a lot of hacker camps which you should check out. Some name it “Summer of Code”, but one should never forget that there are more important things you can do in reality. You know, the place where your pizzas come from and stuff.

If you are looking for appropriate music we recommend Kruder & Dorfmeister, they made a lot of instant classics back in the days. Or Seelenluft from Switzerland.

We are out. Enjoy the weather and don’t forget to feed the cat!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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