

Dear readers and customers,

as an adult, with all our responsibilities and TODOs in our daily lives, some day you might realise that it’s not power or money which is running out for you – but time itself.

Be it having time for your favourite (IT) project to do; your friends; your family; it might even be just a hobby: there is only so much we can cram into the times we are awake of one single day. And the perception when getting older is, it gets worse over time even.

But luckily, there are some workarounds you can use. These come in handy for IT projects but you can use those in your daily life as well. Like those listed here:

  • use a Kanban board: you could just use post it notes in your kitchen which state “Todos”, “In doing”, “Done”. Even your homework duties can be organised this way. As such, you keep track of your tasks easily. And you’ll never forget them anymore, we promise. Plus, there’s a certain incentive for your mind when lots and lots of notes finally appear below the “Done” note. You may also re-use notes this way, thus sparing you the effort to create new ones
  • use priorities: we recommend 1-3, indicating 1 as the highest, 3 as the lowest prioriy. Always try to do/fix/create the category 1 first. When you have time left, do the tasks for priority 2. The last one, 3, is for the really unimportant stuff, like cleaning your windows which should be sufficient 1-2 times per year. Priorities are an important part of any IT ticket system
  • throw out old stuff: yes, I know, we are humans, we like to collect stuff. But nobody is helped if your favourite LEGO set from 1989 is collecting dust in your living room for anyone to see. Try to find people who could need it more. You could also sell it via an Internet auction site. Keep your favourite LEGO set, if you wish. But believe me, it will collect dust forever anyways. Exchange LEGO here for what you liked as a kid. Look ahead, us is never helped to look back forever. In IT, we call this one refactoring or building something new from scratch

Of course there is more you can use, the examples above are all taken from our daily business. You can see it’s easily adaptable for your daily life, which is great surplus of what we do. Believe us you will live a more satisfied life if you use one or more of the mentioned techniques. Unfortunately, you might realise that time is still your most important resource, no matter what you do. But that’s just how our Universe works. And we won’t ever be able to change that one. Maybe it’s better this way.

Happy task planning and all the best to you,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

this month we’re trying to shape some awareness: we want you to switch! From whatever operating system you are using to Linux!

On the 5th of October 2016 humanity’s most advanced, most secure, most stable and (probably) most updated operating system turns 25. But, for reasons not fully understood to us from a technical perspective as well as from a rational point of view, to this date worldwide current estimations only count 87.000.000 actual users. With an internet population of over 3.4 billion…

As an entrance, if you’re curious how many and which distributions are available use this list:


There exists a distribution for everyone!

  • For Mac-Enthusiasts who care about a beautiful desktop: choose Elementary
  • If you care about ethics, choose Debian
  • If you want to use “a Linux that everyone uses” choose Ubuntu or openSuSE, those two distributions are the easiest and offer the most support
  • If you want to be a programmer or hacker, choose Arch

This is only a very small list, Linux is diversity: to this date 280 different distributions are listed on Distrowatch.com, and growing.

Buried in a recent announcement the two biggest desktop CPU makers in the world, AMD and Intel, announced both that they only support Windows 10 or newer with their newest generation of chips. So time has come to support your own OS advancement too: switch to Linux when buying a new laptop or PC! We promise you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading and don’t miss out: 5th of October 2016, Linux becomes 25! Happy Birthday, Linux! And thank you that you’re still with us to this date! You rock!

the aethyx staff

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Hello dear readers,

firstly we have to admit that we’re not here to release global political statements. Our intentions as well as our plans tell us to leave those topics alone, but our time as well as our global state tell us the opposite.

What we are trying to say today: We currently live in a complicated world where we have to cope with 8(!) world wars at the same time. As always, as history told us wisely, the media doesn’t want you and your family to know this. Keep in mind: These wars, and there are much more to come, will occupy the lifes and minds of your descendants for at least



It’s an easy calculation: You’ve only seen the prologue what was started 13 years ago. This fucked up world state will now last


human years.

Are you ready to head into the future like this? Don’t you think the stupid white man should stop reproducing? Are you ready for what awaits you when you are dead?

Don’t get us wrong here. Every human should have the opportunity to find salvation. But it’s up to you and what you do with your life. What you do will come back to you, even after death.

Of course you may live on, watch TV, hear radio, consume instead of create, be a slave to the system.

But never forget: The system will always be here. It’s up to you, if you will end up as a white pig or do something yourself. Use your creativity! As a human, you’re unique! We have the tools, we live in the 21. century, be active!!

That’s the reason why we’re here: AETHYX MEDIAE. Independent Semantic Online Publishing. Made in Europe.

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First of all: Happy New Year, of course!

We hope you enjoyed the few days you had and are ready for what lies ahead of you. You probably should.

We are still interested in convincing you to join us and our small & young team as a customer!

So, what we did first this year was to change our offer for your own WordPress webhosting with us. For the better. ^^

As you may have already read, we made some postings about this new adventure. Maybe this was not clear enough, which was our fault. Sorry!

Here comes the definitive brand new proposal for you, you certainly won’t regret it:


* 1 domain name of your choice for free
* 5GB webspace (NEW!)
* Unlimited traffic
* 50 Email accounts with Email-Spamfilter (NEW!)
* 10 subdomains (NEW!)
* newest version of WordPress, the state of the art CMS, preinstalled (1 MySQL database included, of course)
* choose up to 10 plugins you like from here: https://aethyx.eu/eshop/ OR choose up to ten from http://wordpress.org/plugins/. We configure anything and make them run
* installation of your own custom theme from inside your new WordPress OR choose one from http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/
* installation of your own independent counter for free (see expCounter for details). If you prefer Piwik, we can install that too, but it’s more restrictive in counting visitors
* fast & reliable servers located in Germany
* servers are 100% powered from renewable energy ressources
* 1 cron job included (to be fair, not from within your webspace directory, but from your web URL) (NEW!)
* brand new SSL certificate 99€/domain per year or 159€ for 2 years OR, if you already have one, this will cost 30€/year for installation and maintaining
* but: SSL over proxy is included for free (NEW!)
* price: 5€/month (terminable to the end of any month)

As you can see, we pimped everything and you will not pay one more cent for it! 🙂 The most interesting part for you will be that the webspace alone was increased by 400%! Yay!

As already stated: This offer will end as soon as 10 new customers are found. So don’t hesitate, just drop us a line: info[at]aethyx.eu!

Stay true, stay sharp.

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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If you are looking for a completely new WordPress-Webhosting-package we introduced an unique special offer last month.

Some more information, here is a little update:

* fast & reliable servers located in Germany
* servers are 100% powered from renewable energy ressources
* brand new SSL certificate 99€/domain per year or 159€ for 2 years (unfortunately, we have no control over this price)*

The domain included in this package is for a new registration. If you already have one and want to port it to us this is no problem. In this case we need to calculate a new price which will be below the 5€ per month we introduced last month.

To be fair, our special offer was for completely new authors who want to start their very first project. It needs some effort to port domains and databases and stuff, so we also need to calculate a separate price for this porting service if you are moving to us. Also keep in mind that it needs some time for ICANN to transfer domains. You won’t be able to start immediately with us, ten to 14 days should be realistic.

*In fact it is possible to install a certificate if you already have one, but keep in mind this will cost 30€/year for installation and maintaining.

Enough of this, drop us a line when you are ready to get things started: info[at]aethyx.eu!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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