Dear readers,

in a couple of months we’re existing as an online publishing house for more than a decade.

What we observed so far is, although we got a diversification of tools we can use and set up online, plus there are more available than when we started, the problem today seems we’re overlooking too fast which one is the best for ourselves.

logo used by the EFF for free speech
(A logo representing free speech by the EFF)

No illusions here: the world around us became more complicated.

When we started setting up and building weblogs there wasn’t even a technical term for this technology. YouTube didn’t exist yet as well as other “social networks”, smartphones or tablets.

So, believe us please that even we couldn’t anticipate which tools and services we would offer over time.

What started as pioneering online publishing technology in 2001 finally became AETHYX MEDIAE in 2010, offering a plethora of services and technology for the 21. century made with love and based in Europe:

We call these four our core services today as we got most of our knowledge here as well as our own history (and clients, of course).

Despite those listed we’re always open for trying something new.

Let us mention here our PS3 Linux repository project, our one and only MediaWiki project Kryptowiki, we even started an adult toy store in 2014 or an own social network project we use for inhouse communication. The list won’t end here:

Thus, we never know where technology may lead us and we take risks but are also proud of exploring new realms. Just like you!

Which brings us back to the title of this post: which of these tools is the best for you? Let us be your partner and drop us a line to find out:!

Like you we’re eager where our journey together will lead us. And just because the tool we’ll find together is not listed yet on our websites doesn’t mean we don’t offer it. 🙂 The future is here to conquer it together!

Hope to hear from you soon,
the aethyx staff

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