(Android construction site graphic, CC0, Mike Linksvayer)

Dear readers & customers,

it’s fall 2019 and in the meantime we were able to update all of our Android apps!

Most of the new key features stay the same for all of our apps, here is a short overview about them:

  • all apps show an appropriate colour theme now
  • they are all Android 9 (Pie) compatible
  • and now they should run on all available Android 64bit devices out there

Of course there were some specific updates too, please check them out (they’re still for FREE!) and show us some love for our work: Visit our Android app porfolio on the official Google Play Store.

What will follow the coming weeks are bringing these releases online for the Amazon as well as the Opera app store, too.

At the moment we’re quite confident with our current app portfolio. We still got more work to do with our open source web browser app, YAABy, which will definitely occupy us for the coming years. Our apps for our ezines won’t be updated too heavily anymore. We realised what we wanted and think it’s the perfect time to promote them now. As updating is time consuming and costs a lot or resources, we still need your help! Just use the donation buttons here or on our project websites to keep us running and we’re able to afford our caffeine!

Enjoy, and always think about tomorrow.

The bestest,
the aethyx staff

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