the aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

an irritating and very busy year 2018 finally comes to an end.

We worked hard to achieve as much as we could, unfortunately we didn’t have luck with everything we did.

We won’t repeat here what we achieved. We won’t say right now what we want to grasp in 2019.

We want to wish you and your families a delightful Christmas! And a happy New Year 2019!

Snowflake -- 'Explored 10 December 2014'

May the force of winter be with us! <3

All the bestest,

the aethyx staff

P.S.: Buy more dildos! ^^

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Dear readers and customers,

in 2014 we build up our first adult toy store,

our first adult toy store

We are selling quality premium adult toys online since this year, primarly for females. But toys are available for males, too.

We rejected selling DVDs and magazines from the beginning.

What we try to provide here is celebrating masturbation for anyone on planet Earth. We don’t need more humans, we need more sex.

Time to train, girls & boys. 😉

We did other online sex toy stores too. It’s up to you find out how much we did since 2014 and which these are. Happy Easter! 😀

Right now we are providing omnichannel support via one female secretary only, Mrs. Rae McCoy. She’s available 24/7 via Facebook & Twitter.

All of our online adult toy stores pertain the ability to connect via “Social Networks” for customer support reasons. We think that’s the only channel we need in the 21. century for customer support.

Have fun checking our stores and happy buying! <3

Celebrate the end of 2018 with one or two new vibrators,
celebrate humanity,
celebrate satisfaction.

Only the bestest,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

PHP 5.x which was made public in 2014 is nearing EOL at the end of 2018.

This fact lead to the circumstance that we have to code hard to make all of our plugins and themes PHP 7.x compatible until 2019.

an unofficial WordPress plugins logo
Graphic source

Right now we’re exactly doing this and have already had some success in it.

So we are sharing our WordPress plugin repository with the world, in which you’ll find all of the plugins we use on our sites and we could successfully port to PHP 7.1:

Right now you already find three updated plugins. This repository will grow in the near future, so stay tuned.

We’re probably the only ones still maintaining these plugins. Some of them are very, very old. No wonder, as we’re using and developing for WordPress since 2005 already.

Feel free to share, test and contribute.

We’re giving back to the community here. This is how open source works in the end and we’re happy and proud to be a part of that.

Happy coding & maintaining,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and digital wanderers,

we are happy to announce that we were able to stockpile our Android app portfolio this summer.

We want to tease and celebrate this announcement with the following screen shots:

Kryptowiki is one of our youngest projects and mainly a Wiki powered by Mediawiki software; the same software which runs the popular Wikipedia, but fully dedicated to cryptocurrencies.

It is intended to be a valuable encyclopedia for German speaking interested persons and parties. We had a huge problem in finding such a resource back in the days (it didn’t exist), took all of our expertise and created it in 2017 on our own. Find more information about this project on our “Where?” page.

What this Android app does here is not only bringing Kryptowiki to all those millions of Android devices in the world but mainly to be a companion for tracking and creating/editing the wiki pages from anywhere you are with your smartphone and tablet.

Find the features of this app as an overview here:

* optimised for Android 8.1 (Oreo)
* compatible down to Android 2.x (Froyo)
* App is themed: that means in colors and style it is based on the web project
* fancy, asymmetric and semi-transparent app icon
* main features completely usable within the app: login, watch list and random article
* built-in button for manual updating
* Menu navigation in German, English, as well as in the languages ​​of all German Neighbouring Countries: Danish, French, Italian, Luxembourgish, Dutch, Polish, Czech
* Chromebook support
* Lightweight: App is less than 900KB

As with all our apps it’s available via the official Google Play store too:

We hope you enjoy this app as much as we do and wish you all the best in creating and contributing to one of the most exciting free & open encyclopedias of our century,
all the best,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

for us at AETHYX MEDIAE it’s time to celebrate this month:

as of August the 8th 2018, we counted the 1,000,000th visitor at our oldest project,!


It’s amazing in regarding the fact that we installed this counter back in 2006, when we ported the project from Greymatter to WordPress. Unfortunately, because this was an indie underground project, we never had the mood, time or resources to count visitors from 2001 on, when the project went live, to the aforementioned date.

What’s interesting too is: the number mentioned and the counter which you can still see live in action on the website on the lower right corner, these are really visitors, not page views. In this day and age both KPIs (key performance indicators) are confused very often. What a pity, the web is 27 years old now…

In page views, we are nearing the five million mark: right now it’s showing us 4,915,471.

We still want to thank anyone who still visits this intergalactic anthology antiquity!

As you may have read on our Where? page, we shut down the blog and released all of its content in eBooks, in 2017 also in books on demand via Amazon.

To be honest and that’s what impresses us even more here: isn’t our first project to reach the infamous one million visitors mark.

The first project which achieved this milestone for us was, our video game blog. It happened on April the 11th, 2011.

The counter here was implemented right from the start in 2005, shortly after we aquired the URL and published the system along with its first entry. So what we see here as counter data in the first sidebar is really what’s rolling in since the project was born. will also be our first project to reach the 2,000,000 visitors milestone. Right now we’re at 1,955,981. And due to financial and time problems we almost update nothing there anymore. In page views, is even more impressing: 17,655,816. Never in our dreams would we have imagined to do a “no budget web project” with such figures…

We don’t know when but the party will be joined by, our gadget blog, as the counter there is somewhere in the 250,000s. As you may have read between the lines above this may take ages.

But hey, that’s how indie projects work! <3

Today we’re going to celebrate a little: if you like join us in Lisbon, most of the time you’ll find us roaming the streets around Bairro Alto or Costa da Caparica. We’re even sometimes visiting the small beaches in Cascais when we’re drunk, haha! Well, due to the fact that we have to get there by train this doesn’t happen very often. Of course we can’t guarantee that we’re still alive when you see or meet us but we’re living the indie dream and touching is explicitly allowed! <3 Just be prepared for a incalculable reaction. 😉



The Million Makers.

Nice to meet you!

Time to book us:

get drunk already,
the aethyx staff

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