Dear readers and customers,

we’re 100% pro-RSS!

We share the opinion that you as a reader should have the power to use technology to your advantage, actually RSS/Atom, and building your own feed comes in exactly here.

To show you the details about advantages/disadvantages, the background of this amazing meta web technology, as well as present you some feed readers and insights, we want to share this excellent article by indie author Andre Garzia with you:

“Old-school blogging, retro computers, and decentralisation” by Andy Garzia.

No matter if you are an expert here who uses it since the start, a starter, or someone who left the path and want to re-join now, it’s an absolute recommendation and fun to read until the end!

You can bookmark our RSS feed here:
Hint: actually you can subscribe to all our media we produce by adding /feed/ to the URL of any project. Just remember to do this in your preferred feed reader, otherwise you just download a small harmless file to your PC.

Happy subscribing and reading,
your aethyx staff

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