
Dear readers & customers,

the age of PHP 5.x is finally over, welcome PHP 7.x running many of our web projects:

PHP7 logo

Which means today, April the 12th 2019, is the very last day your projects and webspace might support PHP 5.x. Regarding EOL of PHP 5.x we’re months overdue now.

We strongly advise you to update your projects to the newest PHP version.

If you’re using AddHandler code snippets, switch to this one please: AddHandler php72-cgi .php.

If you need further help, that’s what we are here for, just drop us a line: info@aethyx.eu.

As long as you’re a client of us, AETHYX MEDIAE, we’ll switch your project/webspace for free if the switch didn’t work out of the box already.

If you need to update a plugin we would be happy to help too:

Depending on lines of code we charge 50€ (min.) to 99€ (max.) per plugin. Please contact us with the name(s) of your plugin(s) if one of those is essential for you and we’ll be happy to help: info@aethyx.eu.

As we were already posting back in October 2018, we updated some of our plugins which contained legacy code and which we edited to work with PHP 7.x ourselves.

Check out our free repository: https://gitlab.com/aethyx/opensource/tree/master/WordPress%20plugins. Feel free to download, share & contribute!

Happy updating and Happy Easter 2019,
the aethyx staff

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