
Hey folks,

we hope you had a very fine spring and let’s hope for a hot summer all over Europe!

Right now we are a bit in a transition process.

Firstly we need more authors for our expert blogs. Of course it’s heavy to communicate with interested writers without offering them money or other compensations. But due to lack of time for our families as well as friends it’s difficult to keep those mediaes running. To be honest, we are not sure how long this search for authors will last. And we know that we begged for more authors for years now. So, we need help here. Fast.

Secondly, all of our Android apps were already updated in 2015. Grab them here if you didn’t know of them already: Our apps on Google Play Store. These apps are also available via Amazon as well as Opera.

Thirdly, our indie web browser YAABy will be updated soon! We keep having difficulties integrating favicon support. This is no problem, we’ll deliver in the future. We fixed two little bugs and extended an available feature to the max. You’ll love it!

Fourthly, Facebook is all messed up. We will NOT be able to deliver content to this social network in the near future. We are not sure if ANY developer is fixing those issues with their new API. This affects ALL of our magazines. Sorry. We’ll keep you updated.

So long for the moment,
the aethyx staff

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We are still actively looking for new authors.

German is a must, but we would be very happy to have writers on different continents who are familiar with the language. Maybe your family emigrated and you still use German at home.

One of the trends we are observing for the last six to twelve months is that we get more and more readers from China. Even on our native German written websites like (our gadget blog) and (our videogame weblog). It would be great to have writers from there who are able to tell our readers what is hot or not.

If you are from China, you do not need to speak German of course. Our websites are bilingual from the beginning (German and English, most of our sources are from foreign countries like USA, France or even Japan). It is only that we have not so many constant writing authors, so we are not capable to offer the content in more languages. Natively you still can use Google Translate from within our projects and choose one of 65(!) different languages.

If you think you can help, just contact us and we see what we can do!

It will be a good practice if you are interested in doing new media. See it as your individual training in writing for new technology websites. Of course you can use our sites and your texts as a reference when looking for a “real” job in this field. Your texts belong to you entirely, no strings attached. You can even export them whenever and wherever you wish.

Find out about what we are doing here: Where?

Well, yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Hope to hear from you soon!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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