
Dear readers and customers,

for the second time in our 12 year company history I speak to you here directly as CEO. The last time only two years ago because of the still ongoing pandemic. The necessities of our current times leave me no other choice. At the moment, I don’t really know how we should do here “business as usual”.

Currently, there’s a war going on in Europe. It’s now day 9 of this war.

It’s an unfair war, it’s a war built up on lies. That’s the case with any war, throughout human history. We don’t support wars, we never did, never will.

In fact, I’m a member of the German Peace Society. I feel it as my duty to at least inform you about this and provide some help. So please watch the video above carefully and if you want to help I want to provide some links and information today which might come in handy in case you want to join the help.

If you are in the war zone, actions you can take in case of explosion and about clean water:

  • lie on the ground and cover your head with your hands
  • use available shelter
  • help the wounded
  • do not enter damaged buildings
    In the absence of water supply:
  • take drinking water from pumping stations, wells, mine wells, drinking water bottling points
  • for drinking and cooking – boil for at least 10 minutes
  • store water in closed containers
  • water from open reservoirs – only for technical purposes
    That’s what’s currently distributed through Ukrainian mobile networks. Please also update yourself from time to time through reliable English news sources if possible, like BBC, Guardian UK or CNN, to get news about safe corridors.

If you are in Europe or elsewhere, actions you might take from here:

With our strength and knowledge combined, maybe we have a chance to prevent the worst. For Ukraine, as well as for the rest of the world.

Be brave and strong,
may peace eventually prevail,
Sascha Schroeder
CEO & Founder

[Update I, 03/14/22]
Added the latest hint about water from the Ukrainian mobile networks; removed the Anonymous hint as our local Chaos Computer Club added that supporting black and/or grey hat hacking is simply too dangerous.

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Dear readers,

since the “Snowden files” we the people will never be able no more to use the internet in the way we used it before 2013.

Open internet is dead.

What we must use now is VPN to protect our internet communication and in fact anything we do online.

Crux here: VPN costs you money.

We may say that this is one of the consequences which will never be reverted from what happened on September the 11th 2001. It took a while, twelve years in fact. But since 2013

your. internet. costs. money.

Not only through your provider but because of your usage!

To show you how much you will have to pay each month to simply use your internet, see one of those VPN comparison charts:

We also recommend using a VPN provider which doesn’t offer its services from US soil. Europe should be much safer due to the fact we have better privacy protection as well as less conservative storage options for your data. Also keep in mind to choose a VPN provider which never saves your logs.

We hope we could help you sheding some light on this serious topic. It’s something which isn ‘t mentioned by any of those media houses which made the stories by Edward Snowden public. It’s something which Snowden mentioned between the sentences. Difficult times lay ahead for all of us internet users.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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