
Data Security Breach

Dear readers and customers,

IT security for our consumers and clients always is one of the top priorities at AETHYX MEDIAE, your friendly and independent European online publishing house.

That’s why we started implementing and activating SSL on all our products and projects in spring 2017 already.

Since this month, for one and a half week or so, we also activated the last lock for securing our domains and the communication over the aether: HSTS.

As of 2020, the measurements to be safe and secure is now at the absolute maximum, technologically it looks like the following:

* SSL activated since 2017
* SSL enforced since 2017
* HSTS activated (and set to 16,070,400 seconds) since 2020

At the moment, this has to suffice as we can’t do more for domain security from our side.

Let’s hope it stays this way but who knows what the future of the web will bring.

We leave a lot of old and maybe beloved browsers (and browser versions) behind with these measures. But in the end we’ll all benefit from it: the developers as well as the users and consumers.

We’re not sure if people will remember why we had to do this stuff. But the open web is dead anyway, there is nothing we can change about it, at least since May 2013. Seven years ago, that is, a very long time now.

Stay safe out there! With or without us!

the aethyx staff

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