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After surviving the Apocalypse it’s time to relax and spend some time with the ones we love!

Best wishes to all our friends, fans & clients!

We hope you’ll have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you around in 2013!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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This sets a new milestone for our young publishing house: Our first eBook releases are out!

As you may have already read, our underground text project http://cipha.net will cease to exist in 2013.

This is the end of an era: 9 hard years of underground blogging, several design updates and a difficult platform transformation from Greymatter to WordPress in 2006; these are just some of the steps that had to be taken over the years.

But, fear not: The texts, 2.100 of them, will be preserved!

The first trilogy sums up 1.050 entries and they are already available, for a moderate price. See the following list for more information:

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cnc1 cover klein THE CIPHA.NET CHRONICLES I sum up the cipha.net-archive from November 2001 to May 2005.

Includes 350 articles, unabridged and with all of the links.

931 (ebook, according to "Calibre")
1.54 MB
August the 29th, 2012
Direct Links:
@XinXii (free preview)
@Amazon.com (free preview)
@Google Play (free preview)
blog, weblog, e-magazine, cyberpunk, cyberspace, anthology, texts, online, chronicle, archive, internet, indie, independent, underground

– – –

cnc2 cover klein THE CIPHA.NET CHRONICLES II sum up the cipha.net-archive from May to November 2005.

Includes 350 articles, unabridged and with all of the links.

543 (ebook, according to "Calibre")
3.73 MB
September the 5th, 2012
Direct Links:
@XinXii (free prewiew)
@Amazon.com (free preview)
@Google Play (free preview)
blog, weblog, e-magazine, cyberpunk, cyberspace, anthology, texts, online, chronicle, archive, internet, indie, independent, underground

– – –

cnc3 cover klein THE CIPHA.NET CHRONICLES III sum up the cipha.net-archive from November 2005 to October 2006.

Includes 350 articles, unabridged and with all of the links.

631 (ebook, according to "Calibre")
5.05 MB
September the 16th, 2012
Direct Links:
@XinXii (free preview)
@Amazon.com (free preview)
@Google Play (free preview)
blog, weblog, e-magazine, cyberpunk, cyberspace, anthology, texts, online, chronicle, archive, internet, indie, independent, underground

– – –

These eBooks are all DRM-free. No strings attached, you can remix all of them, just name the source.

Also, Xinxii is just the beginning. They reside in Berlin and are specialists in publishing eBooks for independent authors and indie publishers. Our next step is to transfer them to the Google Play Store, but up to this date it isn’t possible to upload them via their Java uploader.

The other three books will be available in spring or early summer 2013. So stay tuned.

Best wishes and enjoy reading,
the aetyhx-staff

[Update, 07/16/13]

As of now these Ebooks _are_ finally available via Google Play. Please check the links for each book accordingly.

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As you may have already recognized, our website is pretty text-heavy. This might be of course because we are a publishing house; no gimmicks here.

But we are constantly in motion and want to show you this dynamic once in a while.

So, what we did today was quite simple:

We integrated our own Tumblr-stream, which is available here, in our sidebar.

You are seeing directly what’s going on there immediately right after Tumblr is updated.

Not too big an evolution, but a nice little feature for all our visitors and clients.

Hope you like it.

As always, leave any feedback in the comments.

Happy tumbling!

the aethyx staff

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We are still actively looking for new authors.

German is a must, but we would be very happy to have writers on different continents who are familiar with the language. Maybe your family emigrated and you still use German at home.

One of the trends we are observing for the last six to twelve months is that we get more and more readers from China. Even on our native German written websites like http://gizmeo.com/ (our gadget blog) and http://zockerseele.com/ (our videogame weblog). It would be great to have writers from there who are able to tell our readers what is hot or not.

If you are from China, you do not need to speak German of course. Our websites are bilingual from the beginning (German and English, most of our sources are from foreign countries like USA, France or even Japan). It is only that we have not so many constant writing authors, so we are not capable to offer the content in more languages. Natively you still can use Google Translate from within our projects and choose one of 65(!) different languages.

If you think you can help, just contact us and we see what we can do!

It will be a good practice if you are interested in doing new media. See it as your individual training in writing for new technology websites. Of course you can use our sites and your texts as a reference when looking for a “real” job in this field. Your texts belong to you entirely, no strings attached. You can even export them whenever and wherever you wish.

Find out about what we are doing here: Where?

Well, yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Hope to hear from you soon!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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When searching us on Google you won’t find us: The first entries are “reserved” for a virtual character of a Facebook-Social-Online-RPG. Well, that sucks!

The artwork isn’t that bad and the description sounds promising:

“Aethyx is an elven rogue that stalks his enemies from the shadows. His clan, the Nalzir, are known for creating poisons that are as complex as they are deadly.”



We are here since January 2010.

This character was only available from March 24, 2011 until April 7, 2011.

So it should be clear who was first.

When we started this project, we wanted a name that would be original, never used somewhere else or just copied. Well, it seems it is time again to face reality: In this huge web, it is almost impossible to reserve or even invent a term. Someone somewhere will borrow/use/copy it.

What a pity.

the aethyx staff

There can be only one AETHYX in the world. Period.

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