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Happy New Year 2021

Dear readers and customers,

we wish you a Happy New Year 2021!

May the next 12 months be full of joy, happiness, luck and of course health! Because the latter is the most important and most precious humans may obtain.

And please, promise us to get the vaccine against COVID-19 as soon as these are available for you and your family! Don’t be stupid. Science is the most precious we have achieved as a species. Never stop fighting for science, as well as for the truth! Because the truth will set you free.

We’re out.

For us, 2020 was the most difficult year in 10 years of our existence. We are proud we made it. So should you. We love you! Thanks for supporting us! Sincerely, your most favourite independent online publishing house, AETHYX MEDIAE.

Peace and take care,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

for us at AETHYX MEDIAE it’s time to celebrate this month:

as of August the 8th 2018, we counted the 1,000,000th visitor at our oldest project, cipha.net!


It’s amazing in regarding the fact that we installed this counter back in 2006, when we ported the project from Greymatter to WordPress. Unfortunately, because this was an indie underground project, we never had the mood, time or resources to count visitors from 2001 on, when the project went live, to the aforementioned date.

What’s interesting too is: the number mentioned and the counter which you can still see live in action on the website on the lower right corner, these are really visitors, not page views. In this day and age both KPIs (key performance indicators) are confused very often. What a pity, the web is 27 years old now…

In page views, we are nearing the five million mark: right now it’s showing us 4,915,471.

We still want to thank anyone who still visits this intergalactic anthology antiquity!

As you may have read on our Where? page, we shut down the blog and released all of its content in eBooks, in 2017 also in books on demand via Amazon.

To be honest and that’s what impresses us even more here: cipha.net isn’t our first project to reach the infamous one million visitors mark.

The first project which achieved this milestone for us was zockerseele.com, our video game blog. It happened on April the 11th, 2011.

The counter here was implemented right from the start in 2005, shortly after we aquired the URL and published the system along with its first entry. So what we see here as counter data in the first sidebar is really what’s rolling in since the project was born.

zockerseele.com will also be our first project to reach the 2,000,000 visitors milestone. Right now we’re at 1,955,981. And due to financial and time problems we almost update nothing there anymore. In page views, zockerseele.com is even more impressing: 17,655,816. Never in our dreams would we have imagined to do a “no budget web project” with such figures…

We don’t know when but the party will be joined by gizmeo.eu, our gadget blog, as the counter there is somewhere in the 250,000s. As you may have read between the lines above this may take ages.

But hey, that’s how indie projects work! <3

Today we’re going to celebrate a little: if you like join us in Lisbon, most of the time you’ll find us roaming the streets around Bairro Alto or Costa da Caparica. We’re even sometimes visiting the small beaches in Cascais when we’re drunk, haha! Well, due to the fact that we have to get there by train this doesn’t happen very often. Of course we can’t guarantee that we’re still alive when you see or meet us but we’re living the indie dream and touching is explicitly allowed! <3 Just be prepared for a incalculable reaction. 😉



The Million Makers.

Nice to meet you!

Time to book us: info@aethyx.eu.

get drunk already,
the aethyx staff

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Happy New Year to y’all!

We’re starting the brand new year 2017 with an exclusive sale of the first commercial project we did: zockerseele.com.

Soon we’ll start auctioning the complete project, but until this unspecified date we’re trying to find a new owner via our common channels.

Bidding will start at 7.500€. First come, first served.

zockerseele.com snapshot

And here are some highlights you’ll get for those bucks:

  • project’s existing since 2005, already 12 years old now
  • 3 URLs: zockerseele.com, zockerseele.net & zockerseele.de
  • layout, design, graphics, etc. included
  • 5.300+ (German) entries about every video game topic you can imagine
  • 1.86 million visitors to this date…
  • …as well as 1.4+ billion page views
  • currently 200-300 visits per day
  • site statistics with databases included
  • size of all the files: 2.16GB

We’re doing this for several reasons: firstly, see it as an experiment. Secondly, no one has the time or ambition to write entries anymore. Thirdly, we want to expand more on the Android platform. And fourthly, we need money for developing and promoting these apps.

If you’re interested, drop us a line: info@aethyx.eu. The project will be sold to the first one who accepts the fee of 7.500€. In this case we won’t do an auction. So just do it and do it quick!

It was helluva fun to maintain this project. But in the end, it’s time for a split and try something new.

Thanks for reading! Spread the word!

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

this month we’re trying to shape some awareness: we want you to switch! From whatever operating system you are using to Linux!

On the 5th of October 2016 humanity’s most advanced, most secure, most stable and (probably) most updated operating system turns 25. But, for reasons not fully understood to us from a technical perspective as well as from a rational point of view, to this date worldwide current estimations only count 87.000.000 actual users. With an internet population of over 3.4 billion…

As an entrance, if you’re curious how many and which distributions are available use this list:


There exists a distribution for everyone!

  • For Mac-Enthusiasts who care about a beautiful desktop: choose Elementary
  • If you care about ethics, choose Debian
  • If you want to use “a Linux that everyone uses” choose Ubuntu or openSuSE, those two distributions are the easiest and offer the most support
  • If you want to be a programmer or hacker, choose Arch

This is only a very small list, Linux is diversity: to this date 280 different distributions are listed on Distrowatch.com, and growing.

Buried in a recent announcement the two biggest desktop CPU makers in the world, AMD and Intel, announced both that they only support Windows 10 or newer with their newest generation of chips. So time has come to support your own OS advancement too: switch to Linux when buying a new laptop or PC! We promise you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading and don’t miss out: 5th of October 2016, Linux becomes 25! Happy Birthday, Linux! And thank you that you’re still with us to this date! You rock!

the aethyx staff

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We did it!

After over 5 pretty hard years we finally developed our first own design! <3 We know we promised this action a long time ago. And now it's live without the help of any Aliens (we promise).

We hope you like the new positivity and our lemon fresh look!

As you may have seen, we are currently developing a lot more than just WordPress projects.

Right now it’s possible to hire us for:

  • Ebook publishing of your WordPress blog
  • Android development
  • personal cloud space

As always we don’t know what lies ahead as an independent publishing house. As you may have seen a lot has changed and a lot more will happen in the future.

We are looking forward in walking the way together with you into a brighter future!

your aethyx staff

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