Dear readers,
calling an entity independent
always means to keep the little power you own to yourself. It will never pay out for you in the end to surrender to yourself, a partner, a family, or, in the case of Facebook, to a dubious mega corporation which doesn’t give a shit about privacy and security, turning human beings into products and earns shitload of money in selling your personal data via advertising. That’s also why AETHYX MEDIAE never held a Facebook or Twitter account.
However, two billion and 130 million people (March 2018) on this planet already surrendered. Which represents 30% of humanity, ignoring age and nationality as well. These 30% literally are owned by Facebook. They gave away their interests, their social circles, their privacy and much more, to be exploited on a daily basis and provided a simple stupid feed, a neverending stream, with stuff they shouldn’t bother. This is the bad state in which we are now in 2018: social network addicts anywhere on this planet, earning nothing for providing personal data and being tricked year by year in spending more and more of their precious time inside a closed centralised web application which is designed in a way to be enhanced by the behaviour of its users only to be more addictive in the near future (keyword A/B testing).
Time for a little hope, won’t you agree?
Thanks to the Cambridge Analytica data scandal which popped up the last weeks, where 51.300.000 Facebook users were exploited illegally by a far-right data analytics company from the UK, the public finally recognises how dangerous Facebook really is. Horrible suspicions arose from these accusations: not only were voters in the US manipulated by targeted advertising created by this data but also in the UK while the “Brexit” polls took place.
Humans in the current mental state won’t change without being hit hard by a stick, so it seems.
By the way, the NSA scandal made public by another whistleblower, Edward Snowden, is not even four years away. Already 2014 people who seemed to be awake showed what alternatives we could use instead of data monstrosities like Facebook. Here is a neat screenshot of alternatives in case you forgot:
By clicking on this image you will reach the overview with working links to these systems directly.
What we need urgently right now are more decentralised applications run by smaller companies and individuals. Most of these systems provide features you never heard of which are incredibly useful in enhancing, not castrating, your digital life. Interconnections between systems is also possible, something Facebook completely forbids and tries to control with their half-hearted APIs. Furthermore, these social network alternatives are so sophisticated these days, you’ll be surprised about all the eye-candy and stability. There simply are no reasons anymore to join Facebook today. You see: where is the problem in switching?
In case you need help in setting up one of these social hubs just drop us a line: We won’t charge a cent if you’re aged 16 or below.
What you need to understand here: you can’t change the world but yourself. Time to start already.
the aethyx staff
“Free your mind. And your friends will follow.”
Hey folks,
we hope you had a very fine spring and let’s hope for a hot summer all over Europe!
Right now we are a bit in a transition process.
Firstly we need more authors for our expert blogs. Of course it’s heavy to communicate with interested writers without offering them money or other compensations. But due to lack of time for our families as well as friends it’s difficult to keep those mediaes running. To be honest, we are not sure how long this search for authors will last. And we know that we begged for more authors for years now. So, we need help here. Fast.
Secondly, all of our Android apps were already updated in 2015. Grab them here if you didn’t know of them already: Our apps on Google Play Store. These apps are also available via Amazon as well as Opera.
Thirdly, our indie web browser YAABy will be updated soon! We keep having difficulties integrating favicon support. This is no problem, we’ll deliver in the future. We fixed two little bugs and extended an available feature to the max. You’ll love it!
Fourthly, Facebook is all messed up. We will NOT be able to deliver content to this social network in the near future. We are not sure if ANY developer is fixing those issues with their new API. This affects ALL of our magazines. Sorry. We’ll keep you updated.
So long for the moment,
the aethyx staff
As of now we represent independent online publishing on Facebook. You are able to visit our official page at:
The first thing you will surely recognize is this huge URL. Unfortunately we won’t get a smart address until we attracted 25 fans minimum. So, it’s time to give us your thumbs up! We included the notorious “Like”-button under every text, to make things fast & sexy.
In the future you will get all our news directly inside your Facebook-stream. You can also comment and share the entries from this particular page. So it should be easier to stay in touch with our supporters, fans & clients.
Of course you will also find our “Kura”-symbol there. As we said in one of our earliest posts, it represents our philosophy entirely.
The graphic we used there is from a guy named troley. It is called “cyberpunk awesome” and is attributed with a Creative Commons-license. To visit his galery on flickr, see: He has a lot of great cyberpunk stuff online.
This is it, for now. Read next month: How we made it into an RPG-Facebook-game. Believe us: We didn’t see that coming.
So long,
the aethyx staff
[Update, 02.10.12]
As of now we got a smart URL for AETHYX MEDIAE – Independent Online Publishing on Facebook!
Visit us via!
Thank you, Facebook. (We say this explicitly because we do not have the minimum of 30 fans yet but were allowed to choose this URL anyway.)
We are glad to announce that you find our flagship project, the ultimate games weblog, now on Facebook with its own Facebook page!
You can visit us now at any time via the following URL:
The main advantage is that you will get our news updates inside your news stream. So you won’t miss anything anymore.
Of course the main language in which these excerpts are written is German but you will also find a link back to the individual entries where you can let Google translate the content for you.
So, let us know what you think and we hope you will like and enjoy it! Show us your thumbs!
All the best,
aethyx staff