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Dear readers,

we at AETHYX MEDIAE believe strongly in the Ethereum project initiated by Vitalik Buterin. In fact we think it’s the hottest candidate for “Project of the 21. century”. We currently don’t know if such a contest even exists but want to support the project as of now our way.

Official Ethereum logo
The official logo taken from

Thus, after implementing an option to support Bitcoin in 2014, as of now it will be possible to support AETHYX MEDIAE via Ether donations directly.

We will roll out the donation buttons on our most popular medium first, Afterwards we will implement it here, on, as well as on all our other projects onwards.

As we couldn’t find a pre-made button for our intentions we made one inhouse ourselves.

Well, two in fact, as we couldn’t decide for the naming. So one of them just says ethereum, the other says donate ether, both in using the official font “Print clearly” which we found out via reddit here.

We also decided to share both buttons with the world. ^^

You can download them here as well find an official document:


  • using official font “Print clearly”
  • official Ethereum logo, it’s just a resized version to fit the button
  • official background colour #ECF0F1
  • beveled button
  • two versions available
  • *.png file extension
  • size 110x20px
  • CC BY-SA 4.0

We tried hard to stick to the official visual identity guideline as much as possible.

We hope you enjoy! Made with <3 in Europe!

All the bestest,
the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

Data use in context

Dear readers,

it may sound like an unsexy topic but it’s an important one for sure: as of today, May 25th 2018, the EU law GDPR takes full effect.

This law was written down two years ago already and is primarly designed to fine corporations or institutions for a lot of money if these don’t comply to data protection standards.

What sounds like a good thing for the individual is a nightmare for small publishers or freelancers like us here at AETHYX MEDIAE.

Nevertheless we agree totally with the EU intentions and thus decided to implement special features for users to voluntarily opt-out of data collections services.

At AETHYX MEDIAE we are using the following services which use cookies and thus should all provide an opt-out possibility by default:

  • Google Adsense: for targeted advertising on all of our commercial websites
  • Adshot: an Adsense clone which we use for research purposes as well as an alternative to Google Adsense
  • Matomo (formerly Piwik): for website analytics like where do our users come from, which browsers they use, etc.

We already published all of this information on our contact page for years:

What’s new here is now an option to opt-out from Matomo, the website analytics, with a click of a checkbox.

For Google Adsense as well as Adshot we’re still missing this option. It’s not our fault, neither Google nor Adshot are currently able to provide a convenient opt-out option. The only thing we can do at the moment is to promise to implement this option when it will be made publicly available. We don’t think it will take very long as we are sure advertising agencies will know what lies ahead of them if they don’t comply.

All in all it’s definitely a good thing for the future of individual data rights. Some may curse the EU for these restrictions. We at AETHYX MEDIAE deeply believe that Europe did a great job in protecting human rights. It’s a pity there exists a panic at the moment when this law exists since April 2016 already. Thank your government if you feel uninformed here.

Thank you for using our sites and services.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

Happy New Year 2018

Dear readers,

Christmas is over already and we hope you had a wonderful time with your loved ones!

2017 is gone now. As always, it was a difficult yet surprising year. Nevertheless it’s now the right time to look forward what lies ahead and the things to come!

We wish all of our precious readers, authors, clients & fans a Happy New Year!

May health, luck & satisfaction be with all of you.

Only the bestest,

the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

The TOR Project announced on December the 17th 2013 that they accept Bitcoins for donations [via].

We as an independent new school publishing house do this for all our projects since the beginning of the same month.

aethyx mediae accepts bitcoins since december 2013
(this and other graphics freely available here)

Accepting donations has a long tradition, not only spanning the web but also for the first project we/I did back in the days: When launched in late 2001, due to the fact that it was a non-commercial project, I as a writer found that it was a legitimate way to “earn” money via PayPal.
Things didn’t work out the way I hoped, but PayPal is still accepted there as on other older projects I did, e.g., our video games news site which still is alive and kicking today.

After that, there was a huge time gap.

In late 2012/early 2013 we also started to support Flattr, not only because it’s a great European idea and we wanted to show respect for this neat sharing-&-caring-system, but also because it is more subtle than these (often) very annoying banners hanging around on all of those websites in general.

And yeah, maybe we were also infected by the Bitcoin-Hype 2013 which will probably never happen again, but we also think it’s simply just a good thing to have a reliable cryptocurrency in existence;
it’s for the hackers and us cyberpunks as well as the whole Internet a very very interesting way of payment and we thought it is finally the time to show some respect as well.

Besides Flattr, right now the following projects support Bitcoins and we hope you will join the game too:

* – Independent Semantic Online Publishing. Made in Europe.
* – an independent video games weblog which started in 2005
* – an independent gadget weblog
* – source about Japanese cars
* – an intergalactic anthology antiquity

We included small buttons everywhere Bitcoin payments/donations are possible. And this will definitely be the case at least until 2033 when (theoretically) all 21 million bitcoins have been created.

Who knows what will happen after that. When Philospherstones (PHS) will be the next big thing tomorrow we would have no big problem to support that concept too! ^^

Fun fact: Neither Apple, nor Google or Microsoft are accepting Bitcoins yet. So we are even ahead of them. o.O N1ce.

Please donate! We love you! ♥

Only the bestest,
the aethyx staff

Ether spenden // Donate Ether
Bitcoin-Spenden hier akzeptiert ^^

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