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Happy New Year to y’all!

We’re starting the brand new year 2017 with an exclusive sale of the first commercial project we did:

Soon we’ll start auctioning the complete project, but until this unspecified date we’re trying to find a new owner via our common channels.

Bidding will start at 7.500€. First come, first served. snapshot

And here are some highlights you’ll get for those bucks:

  • project’s existing since 2005, already 12 years old now
  • 3 URLs:, &
  • layout, design, graphics, etc. included
  • 5.300+ (German) entries about every video game topic you can imagine
  • 1.86 million visitors to this date…
  • …as well as 1.4+ billion page views
  • currently 200-300 visits per day
  • site statistics with databases included
  • size of all the files: 2.16GB

We’re doing this for several reasons: firstly, see it as an experiment. Secondly, no one has the time or ambition to write entries anymore. Thirdly, we want to expand more on the Android platform. And fourthly, we need money for developing and promoting these apps.

If you’re interested, drop us a line: The project will be sold to the first one who accepts the fee of 7.500€. In this case we won’t do an auction. So just do it and do it quick!

It was helluva fun to maintain this project. But in the end, it’s time for a split and try something new.

Thanks for reading! Spread the word!

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

2016 was a sad year for the western civilisation. What happened with BREXIT and the election in the USA was a cataclysm which will throw humanity as a whole back into uncertain times. When even the Oxford Dictionary is naming “post-truth” as word of the year, one may anticipate what lies ahead.

But these are not the times to surrender. These are changing times, times to step out of the pack and finally start fighting.

Regarding new technologies we got all the tools we need. Now is the time to use them. Against those who are against us, against tolerance, multi-culturalism, diversity, freedom, peace, free will. As stated in the last decade by some, “there’s a war on for your mind”. Don’t be tricked. It lies in your hands, literally.

  • Stop watching TV or listening to radio. Start your own TV or radio, with the service you choose.
  • Stop reading mainstream media, start your own media house or blog, like we did back in 2010.
  • Stop selling yourself, your interests and friends on Facebook or Twitter for nothing, start your own social network, like Friendica or open a Diaspora* pod.

Help those who want to leave those exploiting places, think for your friends and families, mind money less. No matter which way you finally choose, no matter which tool you decide to use, you did it for yourself, your social contacts, completely on your own. And no matter which problems you may run into, we are here to help, just drop us a line: Or use our comfortable contact form.

Well, stay sharp out there! 2017 won’t be easy, that’s for sure. Let’s forget 2016, as fast as possible. Historians will call this one of the lost years of humanity some day. If they will be allowed to work still, of course.

“Enjoy” your holidays & we wish you a wonderful start into the new year! Keep on fighting! You can do it!

Only the bestest,
your aethyx staff

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“If sales control stats I place no faith on the majority” – El-P

Dear readers,

we usually avoid political topics but what happened today to western democracy (and technology) is like the final nail in the coffin of all of us still living and breathing in what is called “the west”: a neo-capitalist, xenophobic, sexist, racist, rich white anti-social is reigning the military most powerful and thus most dangerous country _on earth_ for the next. Four. Years.

It’s nothing new and we know already that the election system in the USA is rusty (at best) and not up to date when we watched a rich Texan sociopath being artificially elected in 2000 which ultimately led to the biggest disaster for western civilization since WWII, but the 9th of November 2016 will be seen by historians in the future as the date the United States of America, and maybe even all of the Western world, was no more.

The dream is over.

What we saw today is classic history repeating. Even in Europe, no matter where you look, Hungary, Austria, France, Scandinavia, Brexit of UK this year, Germany, national-socialism is on the rise again. This is no path for world peace, this is a path into a world war. And if this gets hot, it’ll be the last of humanity. A rational mind knows this. For decades, not even centuries.

2016 showed us what we really are: mostly white, stupid, retards. Humanity won’t work with this shit. We don’t exclude us: we need to get rid of ourselves. We became useless. That’s how we feel today. We should mourn ourselves. We failed miserably. We are finally entering the very last dark age.

But maybe we should be happy: as no one can even anticipate what will happen next, let’s party! Fighting for or against something became utterly useless! Yay!1

“Nothing makes sense no more. Nothing makes sense no more” – Nephlim Modulation Systems

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Approximately one and a half year ago one of our authors hacked together an Android app for FEMEN. The nature of this movement involves bare human breasts which is the main reason we weren’t able so far to distribute it via offical app stores like Google Play.

FEMEN Android app icon

But fear not, the author released the app already into the wild and it’s actually available via GitHub, see here:

Licensed under the GPLV2 which means the digital world is invited to add code as well as features at any time to develop this project further.

Most of the time so far the releases here are maintenance releases: updating the app to run under the most current Android OS version as well as updating the resources used here. Social networks take down FEMEN pages quite often for no reason. To find and implement new content as soon as possible is one of the main tasks for new versions so far.

Please share and include the app into the open repositories where possible!

Also, don’t hesitate to join the project if you’re a coder or have new ideas for this app!

There should be more movements like FEMEN out there. The world would be a much better and more intelligent place for all of us. Rock on, girls!

the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

this month we’re trying to shape some awareness: we want you to switch! From whatever operating system you are using to Linux!

On the 5th of October 2016 humanity’s most advanced, most secure, most stable and (probably) most updated operating system turns 25. But, for reasons not fully understood to us from a technical perspective as well as from a rational point of view, to this date worldwide current estimations only count 87.000.000 actual users. With an internet population of over 3.4 billion…

As an entrance, if you’re curious how many and which distributions are available use this list:

There exists a distribution for everyone!

  • For Mac-Enthusiasts who care about a beautiful desktop: choose Elementary
  • If you care about ethics, choose Debian
  • If you want to use “a Linux that everyone uses” choose Ubuntu or openSuSE, those two distributions are the easiest and offer the most support
  • If you want to be a programmer or hacker, choose Arch

This is only a very small list, Linux is diversity: to this date 280 different distributions are listed on, and growing.

Buried in a recent announcement the two biggest desktop CPU makers in the world, AMD and Intel, announced both that they only support Windows 10 or newer with their newest generation of chips. So time has come to support your own OS advancement too: switch to Linux when buying a new laptop or PC! We promise you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading and don’t miss out: 5th of October 2016, Linux becomes 25! Happy Birthday, Linux! And thank you that you’re still with us to this date! You rock!

the aethyx staff

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