
If you want to know the entrepreneurial view of the Internet, visit Portugal:

Usually we don’t link to stuff on Twitter, because they are working on dismantling the web as we know it too. But the majority accepted this fake news medium already and we as experts(!) can’t do nothing about it.

Welcome to reality.

There’s serious stuff going on right now.

Imagine an Internet of lanes, where the ones get the fastest lane who pay the most. That would be the death of net neutrality, a concept which the Obama administration tried to support but right now seems to fail miserably.

A lot of corporations tried to kill the Internet before: Comcast. Verizon. AT&T. To name only a few. And the NSA stuff about Edward Snowden didn’t mean that things would get any better, to say the least.

We live in a world of sick societies. Most of the people you meet, you work with, you like and appreciate, don’t have the slightest clue what’s going on in reality. In real time. Anywhere. They just don’t give a shit, all they care about is C.R.E.A.M. We live in a cold, misinformed, polarising world, where those are punished who try to educate, evaluate, really want to entertain.

Prefixes are inverted in this world, what appears “good” is bad, what they call “bad” is often good. Good for you as an individual, good for your future, good for your morals. If you want to dive deeper, just check the biography of one of the most important geniuses of our time: Aaron Swartz. For those who never heard this name: he was the one realising the semantic web for the ordinary users, who killed himself because he tried to publicise closed-source scientific records. Welcome to your real world. Do you feel comfortable in this world? Do you have the slightest clue what’s really going on?

Let’s remember Thanksgiving 2017 as the time in history of mankind when the Internet died.

2016 they took us the pride to live in electing a racist, misogynic, dumb-as-fuck, feckless, apolitical, aryan, retarded US president.

It won’t get better from here. That’s something we should have realised by now. Next step is: support goes to the FCC.

We never wanted nor approved this. We weren’t asked.

“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here’s American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!” – Bill Hicks

Update I, 11/27/17:

In the meantime, more than a million Emails repealing net neutrality were simply: fake email spam.

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Good day,

as a follower of our work there may be the moment when you start asking yourself: “okay, I understand that AETHYX MEDIAE is an independent online publisher. But what do they mean with the strange word “semantic”?

Long story short, it’s mainly an update of the WWW we know and use today. As Tim Berners-Lee himself stated in 2001 already:

“The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.”

This technique is in some sort already real today. Every website which provides an RSS/Atom feed let’s you create your own source(s) of information. Usually this file is an OPML file, containing RSS/Atom links named “feeds”. An application with which you can use the semantic web is simply an RSS/Atom feed reader.

If you as an individual or corporation are really interested in developing the web further, providing such a feed is definitely a must.
Thus, every individual or corporation which doesn’t provide such feeds is either not interested in the WWW itself (and probably never was) and/or simply emphasises exploitation of humans as well as machines.

Keep that in mind when surfing the WWW these days. Today it’s not that easy anymore to distinguish friend from foe.

Enjoy a colourful autumn,
the aethyx staff

P.S.: according to the W3C strictly seen only RDF (Resource Description Framework), OWL (Web Ontology Language) & XML (Extensible Markup Language) are “official languages” of a semantic web. In reality, however, most of the time humans will get in contact with the semantic web is actually Atom, RSS & XML.

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The term “weblog” was coined at the end of 1997 by Jorn Barger. The first web service offering weblogs for an individual was Blogger in 1999, today a property of Google Inc.. However, it took until 2003 that this word was taken as a standard for this kind of medium by mainstream media. This means, all who did have a weblog before 2003, be happy: You may call yourself avant-garde!

A weblog has different core features which distinguish it from other forms of online publications, e.g. online forums:

  • chronological, newest is on top of the web page
  • comments for each entry
  • links to monthly archives
  • categories for entries
  • search function (although shared with other online mediums, of course)
  • embeddable media, like images, videos, etc. these were primarly created manually by html tags
  • templates for only a handful of pages, mainly html

From these core features, a plethora of functions emerged: RSS/Atom feeds. Tagging. User management. Blogrolls (a collection of links in the sidebar). Templating. Smart URLs. And whatnot.

In fact, what we use, especially with WordPress or Drupal, these are complete suites which we call today CMS, content management systems. Always backed by a database, e.g. MySQL or MariaDB, which can become very huge over a certain period of time.

From weblogs it was only a small step to the often critised (but important and honest) “citizen journalism”. As you may read up, this wasn’t new either, what was completely new was the fact that an individual, or a group of individuals, could do this online and, hypothetically, reach the whole world. For not spending a penny at all, in the case of Blogger for example.

Today, blogs are everywhere: Be it a corporation displaying news in this form, in a “1-click-publishing-form” like Tumblr, or something else. In different states, e.g. Saudi-Arabia, to this day, Bloggers are executed for telling stories about their reality online.

Blogs may protect freedom of speech anywhere, but they may also be used as a weapon for hatred, like seen in European states where right-wing parties flourish since a couple of years. As always, it’s a double-sided sword. Never forget, that it’s the history of the Internet itself which makes them so.

As you can see: Starting is as easy as at the end of the 90s. What we do here at AETHYX MEDIAE is not that different: All we do is giving you the opportunity to use your own domain for your own medium, your own weblog, your own CMS. And if you didn’t hide under stones in the 90s or early 2000s, you should already own and know what a domain is, right?

We use WordPress since 2005 with success and although we read from time to time it has “flaws”, never experienced one problem with it. It became very powerful, very extensible over time, maybe like a labyrinth for starters.

We want to help you in navigating through this labyrinth! As you may see after a couple of months, or maybe even only weeks, this can be a helluva fun! We even set up WordPress for free when you are age 14 or under! Just have a look what we offer right now, we are sure there is something for anyone:

Feel free to contact us anytime, 24/7! We even accept Bitcoin for those who want to stay anonymous!

We think today it’s more important than ever to be an active individual or organization. You know what the proverb says: What doesn’t go with time, goes after some time. And we don’t think you want, or should, go forever. 😉

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Dear readers,

since the “Snowden files” we the people will never be able no more to use the internet in the way we used it before 2013.

Open internet is dead.

What we must use now is VPN to protect our internet communication and in fact anything we do online.

Crux here: VPN costs you money.

We may say that this is one of the consequences which will never be reverted from what happened on September the 11th 2001. It took a while, twelve years in fact. But since 2013

your. internet. costs. money.

Not only through your provider but because of your usage!

To show you how much you will have to pay each month to simply use your internet, see one of those VPN comparison charts:

We also recommend using a VPN provider which doesn’t offer its services from US soil. Europe should be much safer due to the fact we have better privacy protection as well as less conservative storage options for your data. Also keep in mind to choose a VPN provider which never saves your logs.

We hope we could help you sheding some light on this serious topic. It’s something which isn ‘t mentioned by any of those media houses which made the stories by Edward Snowden public. It’s something which Snowden mentioned between the sentences. Difficult times lay ahead for all of us internet users.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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First of all: Happy New Year, of course!

We hope you enjoyed the few days you had and are ready for what lies ahead of you. You probably should.

We are still interested in convincing you to join us and our small & young team as a customer!

So, what we did first this year was to change our offer for your own WordPress webhosting with us. For the better. ^^

As you may have already read, we made some postings about this new adventure. Maybe this was not clear enough, which was our fault. Sorry!

Here comes the definitive brand new proposal for you, you certainly won’t regret it:


* 1 domain name of your choice for free
* 5GB webspace (NEW!)
* Unlimited traffic
* 50 Email accounts with Email-Spamfilter (NEW!)
* 10 subdomains (NEW!)
* newest version of WordPress, the state of the art CMS, preinstalled (1 MySQL database included, of course)
* choose up to 10 plugins you like from here: OR choose up to ten from We configure anything and make them run
* installation of your own custom theme from inside your new WordPress OR choose one from
* installation of your own independent counter for free (see expCounter for details). If you prefer Piwik, we can install that too, but it’s more restrictive in counting visitors
* fast & reliable servers located in Germany
* servers are 100% powered from renewable energy ressources
* 1 cron job included (to be fair, not from within your webspace directory, but from your web URL) (NEW!)
* brand new SSL certificate 99€/domain per year or 159€ for 2 years OR, if you already have one, this will cost 30€/year for installation and maintaining
* but: SSL over proxy is included for free (NEW!)
* price: 5€/month (terminable to the end of any month)

As you can see, we pimped everything and you will not pay one more cent for it! 🙂 The most interesting part for you will be that the webspace alone was increased by 400%! Yay!

As already stated: This offer will end as soon as 10 new customers are found. So don’t hesitate, just drop us a line: info[at]!

Stay true, stay sharp.

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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