
W1P3'0UT" Omega

Dear readers and customers,

without a doubt, we live in difficult and complicated times. At least temporarily, for two months in a row now, the daily life we knew and celebrated is no more.

But wait, there’s hope!

With more time than ever available since we are adults, let’s use the situation to change the world for the better!

And no, we don’t do this in watching a brand new TV series or buying some new toys for our kitchens or living rooms.

We want to be active. We want to be creative. We want to develop ourselves. And create a brighter future.

What better than starting your own blog now, for example? Become an expert in a special field or maybe you even are already one and want to share your ideas? We are here to help!

Who knows, maybe you’re sitting on a Word document you just want to publish for ages now. Your first real book and need help in converting it into an eBook and publish it via multiple stores? Yes, that’s what we’re also here for!

You always wanted to hit thousands of smartphones and tablets with your unique app idea? Hey, let us be your guide!

And there’s so much more:

Set up your own cloud? Be independent from Twitter? Need your own social network? Need IT consultancy (starting from 49€/h)? Or just want to have a quick chat? Reach out to us anytime, we’re happy to hear from you:

You have to know we’re around in here for 20 years now, albeit not permanently under the same name and brand. In fact even we would be surprised to find a field in web and IT we can’t be of help. Use our experience and profit from us! Accelerate your future with us!

Stay healthy and best wishes,
the aethyx staff

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Hello dear readers!

We would like to inform you about the fact that we moved our Gadgets weblog to a whole new domain. It now resides under

Visit the website clicking the hyperlink in the left sidebar under “Web References”.

All the articles, feeds, pages, images, etc., will be redirected and all search engines out there should change their respective listings the following weeks automatically.

This is one of our most important steps this year: As a young an independent publishing house from Europe with European roots, European heritage and defending an European future plus European culture, it is our duty to move away from commercial domains and use what’s representing us the most.

The most recent example is, where our indie Android web browser YAABy is blogging.

We would be happy to see other publishing houses from Europe doing the same. As of the end of this month the domain will become 10 years old already! The thing is: To this day only 3.9 million such domains were registered. What a pity regarding 500 million residents in the EU!

We hope to be an inspiration to follow. Hint: Also will become as soon as possible.

Become independent from Verisign and the USA! Use more domains from your respective territory! Support more regional developers as well as companies!

Thanks for listening.

Kindest regards,
the aethyx staff

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First of all: Happy New Year, of course!

We hope you enjoyed the few days you had and are ready for what lies ahead of you. You probably should.

We are still interested in convincing you to join us and our small & young team as a customer!

So, what we did first this year was to change our offer for your own WordPress webhosting with us. For the better. ^^

As you may have already read, we made some postings about this new adventure. Maybe this was not clear enough, which was our fault. Sorry!

Here comes the definitive brand new proposal for you, you certainly won’t regret it:


* 1 domain name of your choice for free
* 5GB webspace (NEW!)
* Unlimited traffic
* 50 Email accounts with Email-Spamfilter (NEW!)
* 10 subdomains (NEW!)
* newest version of WordPress, the state of the art CMS, preinstalled (1 MySQL database included, of course)
* choose up to 10 plugins you like from here: OR choose up to ten from We configure anything and make them run
* installation of your own custom theme from inside your new WordPress OR choose one from
* installation of your own independent counter for free (see expCounter for details). If you prefer Piwik, we can install that too, but it’s more restrictive in counting visitors
* fast & reliable servers located in Germany
* servers are 100% powered from renewable energy ressources
* 1 cron job included (to be fair, not from within your webspace directory, but from your web URL) (NEW!)
* brand new SSL certificate 99€/domain per year or 159€ for 2 years OR, if you already have one, this will cost 30€/year for installation and maintaining
* but: SSL over proxy is included for free (NEW!)
* price: 5€/month (terminable to the end of any month)

As you can see, we pimped everything and you will not pay one more cent for it! 🙂 The most interesting part for you will be that the webspace alone was increased by 400%! Yay!

As already stated: This offer will end as soon as 10 new customers are found. So don’t hesitate, just drop us a line: info[at]!

Stay true, stay sharp.

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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