the aethyx staff

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Don´t panic
Seen in Konstanz, Photo taken on March 14th by Michael Kowalczyk

Dear readers and customers,

as the Corona pandemic day after day sets another European country into crisis mode, we as an online publishing house Made in EU have to react too in one way or the other.

Thus, from this day on until at least April the 19th, all personal meetings and communications are cancelled.

Where applicable, use your own PC for communication or, as done already in the past, stay in home office directly.

Some tips for the coming weeks:

i) use video call tools, e.g. WebEx, Jitsi, etc: it’s up to you which one to use but clear it first please with your partner(s)
ii) communicate on a regular basis: be it via phone, Email or instant messenger. Staying in contact has top priority now as this crisis can hurt our daily businesses badly
iii) no external meetings, meet virtually: some of our Asian partners use VR tools for presentation and development. Check first if you got those tools when involved, otherwise see i) and ii)
iv) protect who’s important to you: we understand that your family has top priority now. It’s okay to stay with them if not possible otherwise. Please check your tasks first in our online project management system and ask a colleague if she/he can help out or cancel a call/conference beforehand
v) stay calm, positive and healthy!

We’ll keep you updated the coming weeks.

Best wishes and kindest regards,
Sascha Schroeder
CEO & Founder

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20 years of experience in web publishing.

10 years in independent online publishing.

2 words.

1 epic idea.

Still grinding.

Happy Birthday, AETHYX MEDIAE!

Independent Semantic Online Publishing.

Made with <3 in EU.

Since 2010.

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Fresh Apple Splash

Dear readers & customers,

Happy 2020, folks!

It’s a fresh new year and as such we want you to stay fit and healthy for what lies ahead!

You know what people say about health and fruits: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

What better way to start a news post for us as remembering and using exactly this analogy, right?

What’s more, right now we’re in the middle of working on our brand new health app for the Android operating system. The very first one, to be exact.

We don’t want to relieve too much but expect a release around June/July this year. This will be also the first app where we’ll offer the possibility to buy additional services in-app. We hope to make money of it (we’re indie but still a company…) as well as target an ever growing audience from the health sector. Our prognosis shows a tremendous market which will not only grow superb for the next decade, it’s exactly our thing and something we l-o-v-e to offer here officially at AETHYX MEDIAE.

Regarding our web projects we don’t think there’ll be too much development as we think these are already mature and working as intended. But also here: never say never!

For those who are joining us a bit late (AETHYX MEDIAE is becoming 10 this year, ehemm), find a neat overview about what we did and currently do here:

Thanks for being with us!

Drop us a line anytime:

We <3 you and best wishes,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

a not so irritating and very, very busy year 2019 finally comes to an end.

We worked hard to achieve as much as we could, unfortunately we didn’t have luck with everything we did.

We won’t repeat here what we achieved, it’s already available through our archive.

We want to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas time!

And a happy New Year 2020!

May the force of winter be with us! <3

Best wishes to all of you,

the aethyx staff

P.S.: Yes, it’s that time of the year again! ^^

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Smartphone addiction could be changing your brain

Dear readers and customers,

as app developers we ourselves not only love to use apps. We also try to keep them as clean as possible.

And with this statement we don’t mean explicitly we’re providing bug free apps before releasing them into the wild. This is common sense.

In a world full of addictions, some of them completely new since the release of the iPhone as the first smartphone in 2007, we explicitly avoid the following techniques:

* infinite scroll
All of our developed apps, as well as all of the websites we create and maintain by the way, never used any form of infinite scrolling. Today, almost any so called “social media” app or website uses this addiction technique in some form. We don’t want to mention those here. If you want to read further about this behaviour of the “bottomless bowl” technique, which affects humans, we recommend reading the experiment by Brian Wansink

* pull to refresh
As of our newest round of app updates, we eliminated this kind of refresh mechanism from all of our apps. Our websites never were affected, though. We built the mechanism in when Lollipop came out (2015 or soon thereafter) to try to experiment with new forms of refreshing when they first appeared in the smartphone operating system Android. Unfortunately, in the meantime it became clear this technique is too similar with those of slot machines. And we all know how gambling can be of a hassle for quite a lot of persons.
We are happy with it, to be honest: not only are we assured that our refresh mechanism as it was implemented was very good the way it was. We also found out that elderly persons have problems even recognising Android design patterns which are too obscure to them. Oldie but goldie, we stayed with the refresh button and a cute coloured progress bar.
Fun fact: we never were sure about this design pattern and if we should use it for all our apps. So, the only app in our portfolio which we spared with this mechanism all the time was (oldschool won, woohoo! ^^). Otherwise we wouldn’t even have the code to revert anymore…

* no likes
Both of the mechanisms mentioned kick too much Dopamine into your brain, a neurotransmitter which can induce halluzinations if you abuse it too much. A lot of street drugs are responsible for it, e.g. Cannabis or Ecstasy. Third in this row are the likes, or likes in general.
Well, here this was a pure coincidence that we dropped out of Facebook completely in 2015. So none of our apps nor websites are affected since the aforementioned date.
The problem is not only the function itself but also the colour: red in most cases. The sum of phenomenons sets users in a “feedback loop state of social confirmation”. This is an official quote from Facebooks co-creator Sean Parker

As you can see, there are easier things to check if you develop apps for smartphones and tablets than human psychology, of course! Other techniques, like “the ratings of relationships”, we didn’t have to mention as we never developed dating apps. But there are other and more problems today which should be investigated and eliminated further by app developers in the near future.

Some of the new modifications in our case happened by chance. Others by mindful decisions. Or just experience.

But be assured that by now all of our apps you download from official repositories (Google Play Store, Amazon App Store and Opera App Store) lack those new-age manipulation techniques.

We hope that other app developers will follow and we gave them some good arguments using/avoiding design patterns in use today. Please show some responsibility. Thank you.

And never forget: there’s a world outside of your smartphone or tablet which is worth fighting and living for!

Only the best wishes to y’all,
the aethyx staff

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