We are happy. R-e-a-l-l-y happy! Like, it’s-Xmas-happy. We just realized our second commercial project:
Simply put, it is a brand new blog about gadgets.
Based on the gizmo-archive of cipha.de, it’s also kind of alternative and not very commercial. From a content-point-of-view. But the domain of course is and the future plans also. In 2050 we want to make money with it. 😉
We share the opinion that it is possible to built commercial projects with alternative contents. It’s part of our philosophy.
Mainstream is easy, just do porn.
It is the deepness that counts. To achieve this goal you have to think different. This is not just a slogan, it is part of our reality. We write, we shape it. And nothing else.
We will soon update the where?-page to give you further information about http://gizmeo.com, so stay tuned.
Keep being awesome!
All the best,
the aethyx staff
We just wanted to wish you Happy Holidays!
Now is the perfect time to stick with those who you love and spend some peaceful time with them. May the next couple of days help you regenerating for the challenges to come in 2010!
Stay true,
all the best,
aethyx.eu | independent online publishing
Just another of our usual feature announcements:
Since of this month we are offering a brandnew forums-section inside our commercial flagship project zockerseele.com.
The address is as follows:
The forums are realized via the wonderful open-source solution simple:press. Integrating it inside an existing WordPress-blog worked with a bliss. Even the links of the layout were already working and of course simple:press is offering clean permalinks.
Let us know if you want to try it yourself or for your medium and need a little help. That is why we are here, you know. 🙂
Anyway, keep on rocking!
See you on the other side,
the aethyx-team
Let us now tell you a little bit about our favicon! It is the same symbol you can also find in our sidebars.
The five elements in Japanese are called godai. In the West the concept is best known by Miyamoto Musashis book “The Book of Five Rings” where he explains different aspects of swordsmanship by assigning each aspect to an element.
The five elements are:
*地 Chi (sometimes ji) or tsuchi, meaning “Earth”
*火 Ka or hi, meaning “Fire”
*風 Fū or kaze, meaning “Wind”
*水 Sui or mizu, meaning “Water”
*空 Kū or sora, most often translated as “Void”, but also meaning “sky” or “Heaven”
As you can see, we used the sora-symbol to represent the psychic ambitions for aethyx.eu.
Not only does this symbol stand for the things beyond our everyday experience, it also represents spirit, thought and creative energy, as well as our ability to think and to communicate and our creativity as a whole. It can also be associated with power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness.
So, we could not think of anything better for our intentions.
To stand out from the pack, you have to be creative. It is the main ingredient you will need in becoming or producing new media.
People often think that they are not very creative but this is definitely not the case. It is a matter of training and of believing in yourself. Do not let other people tell you that you can’t do what you want to do! Maybe the following will sound a bit drastic to you, but these men and women are already dead. They never tried. They will never get it. Forget them.
The sora-symbol may guide you through the dark alleys. When you are feeling weak, remember that Kū is of particular importance as the highest of the elements. In martial arts, particularly in fictional tales where the fighting discipline is blended with magic or the occult, one often invokes the power of the Void to connect to the quintessential creative energy of the world. A warrior properly attuned to the Void can sense his surrounding and act without thinking, and without using his physical senses.
Of course it will take a very long time before you can fully achieve the latter. But it is never too late to start mastering yourself. Writing is one of the best disciplines to begin with. Other people draw, spray or paint. Some program computers. Others make music. Whatever you do, be yourself!
Well, now you know a lot more about this symbol. And maybe also about yourself. And about our philosophy.
Have a nice day!
the aethyx staff
Today we are happy to announce that you can find some bits of information about what we do on our
These are our current projects.
And of course we would be happy to assist you in becoming a true new media yourself.
Just drop us a line: info[at]aethyx.eu. Let us know what your plans are and we will see what we can do!
As we already mentioned we are using WordPress as the main publishing platform.
Of course there are other good ideas out there, but we are using this Open-Source-software since 2005 and have made good experiences with it.
If you run into problems setting it up yourself, let us know, we will help you for free.
You only pay for design, maintaining the website and creating graphics. Of course we can not support you with content, this is something you will have to solve yourself! 🙂
Become the medium! Welcome to the future of publishing! Be there or be square.
the aethyx staff