The latest buzz
The latest buzz
Dear readers,
it’s 2017 but despite that 750 million people worldwide are still lacking skills in literacy, according to the UN. Literacy is defined as not only reading, writing and counting skills, but to put those in a particular context too.
Today, regarding digital technologies and their emerging use and markets, it’s not only important to know how to use new forms of technology but also know how these can be used to empower people, make them more self-confident and not feel excluded.
Let’s take the bad year 2016 with the Brexit, the Trump presidency in the US as well as the rise of racist and far right parties (as of the elections 2017 unfortunately also reality in Germany) as negative examples what may happen, if people don’t know how to use technology to empower and free themselves, but are in fact used and consumed by dubious centralised companies like e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter to be enslaved.
As a literate individual, ask yourself: “what am I able to do here to change this?”
Well, the first thing you have to understand, if you won’t do it, it’ll be done for you. If you are not in control, get this control back!
Secondly, by doing nothing, nothing will get better.
Thirdly, we can be glad that we don’t lack technology, the future is in fact today!
Fourthly, use this technology for change, to empower you and your loved ones, not to empower others and also not for free!
If you now start setting up your own blog, write your first app or decide to start an own Diaspora* pod, these lines did the trick! Walk on, never stop, do your thing!
For all the others needing help, let it be known: AETHYX MEDIAE is here for your help!
Setting up our first weblog in 2001, starting from there, we became an independent online publishing house in 2010 specialised in creating and maintaining weblogs, Android apps, Ebook publishing and personal cloud space! All done by one human most of the time, sometimes by three people maximum! AETHYX MEDIAE should be one of the best examples what’s possible today and also, what it means to live in these marvelous technological times.
Of course, technology can also be used to improve the lives of the aforementioned 750 million illiterate people. But they need help for this. Help by 7 billion literate people. But if even 7 billion don’t use technology right, humanity will be doomed as a whole. Let the years 2016 and 2017 be a hard reminder that nothing comes for free and that it’s more important than ever to know how to use technology for freedom and empowerment and that it’s also important to fight hard for this.
AETHYX MEDIAE & the aethyx staff,
autumn 2017
Good day!
It’s summer plus it’s 2017, so it’s about time to update our Android apps the following weeks.
We would like to begin with an already uploaded update of our inhouse web browser YAABy.
The newest version here is able to display favicons and is now also usable on all the coming Chromebooks. You’ll find all of the information regarding this release on the official website: Just click on the banners from Google Play Store & Amazon there to arrive directly at the product detail page. We hope you enjoy this newest version as much as we do!
Right now we’re programming the updates for,, These will be available the next two weeks or so. In sum it’s an update for Android 7.x.x (Nougat) and some code cleaning. These will be the last updates also before the official release of Android O by Google. We hope you like what you’ll see and as always…
…if you want to support our work, please flattr us or donate some Bitcoin! The appropriate buttons are shown on every single page here on Every donation will be fully spent inhouse to keep this project running and save us nerves and financial drama in the near and far future. It’ll also secure our unique idea of an indie web publishing house which we think will become more and more important regarding current political and media situations worldwide.
That’s it from AETHYX MEDIAE for now,
only the bestest to all of you,
the aethyx staff
In one of the most important posts of May, author Farhad Manjoo explains in an article for the New York Times how Twitter is being used for spreading false and misleading information:
“How Twitter Is Being Gamed to Feed Misinformation”, via
The term gamed in the title is a bit misleading though, as it implies you gain personal advantages in posting misinformation. Due to the fact that Twitter can be used and controlled easily by robots (or botnets), we also want to add another component here: this is often done simply for fun. Technologically, Twitter is complete crap.
But there are alternatives.
We as a publishing house already offer high-tech and dedicated services in the same field since 2010:
we try to encourage anyone to use your own website, your own blog, your own skills in spreading information. Alas, a friendly reminder that we still sell complete packages which start at 50€ only for making your “own Twitter“:
Or maybe you want to directly publish an eBook on your own, we offer help here too:
It will feel like a breath of fresh air when you recognize that you can use more than 140 characters, insert additional files with your fingertips and format the code of your posts to your liking in no time. 😉
You can do it! We’re here to help!
Sincerely yours,
the aethyx staff
Dear readers,
if you want to change the future, if you want to be a part of what lies ahead, now it’s the right time to join artificial intelligence development.
We already are engaged in the following fields:
What is kind of irrational is the fact the we as a company show you the path what you as an individual or company should do: program AI. Program it. Now.
Yes, of course the question will be here: how? It’s incredibly easy.
Keyword: deep learning. Do it as a student would do. Use the tools which are already available. Yes, as a follower of AETHYX MEDIAE for years now, this may sound familiar and logicial. Believe us: it isn’t. People are stupid. People are lazy. Go ahead. Or we will do it, again, on our own.
In Germany we call this Fehdehandschuh. We never made jokes. This is serious business right here.
For those who won’t believe us, here a translated quote from the print magazine DER SPIEGEL, page 19, issue #14 2017:
“May be, but Google published in January the following message: scientists of the company invented an AI software which creates better AI software on its own. A digital perpetuum mobile.”
Welcome to your present! Wake the f**k up, please!
On the page prior to that statement, it starts with what we would like to encourage you with this snippet:
“Deep Learning is a mechanism which is learnable in a simple way. The tools for this technique are downloadable anywhere on the internet”
Geez, we are online since January 2010. This is _exactly_ what we shouted out via our Why? page:
“Secondly, technology is nothing without the human being. We have the tools, we live in the 21. century, it is time to be active. Your life has value. Do not waste it in front of the TV. Be active, forget your passive past”
We won’t say here what tools you should use, you decide. We won’t say here where to find these tools, you should know by now how. But just do! Heck, create this sh*t! On your own! It’s easier as you might think.
That’s it from us about this AI buzz. Stop playing video games, stop being a black hat, start to use and program AI!
We will do the same. We always did. Poor Lenos, who didn’t recognize this by now.
Best of luck to you out there,
the aethyx staff
Good evening dear readers,
2013: whistleblower Edward Snowden flees from the NSA to Hongkong and then to Russia while informing the world about secret spy activities against American citizens as well as those of other countries
2017: we read about the Vault 7 series by Wikileaks informing the world about the biggest intelligence leak to this date in covering similar techniques by the CIA
Times are changing and they are changing fast.
So, in a small time frame of only 16 months, our “prophecy” become true unfortunately, that the open web, the open internet is dead. And believe us, we also didn’t want to hear or read this, but http, the de-facto web protocol we all love and grew up with, is deprecated by now. This is like, well, telling millions over millions of web developers & users, bloggers, online journalists, artists, etc. all over the world “if you use insecure http, you suck!” It’s not fair, it’s not even their fault. But we pay for the bills in the end.
So, this March 2017 we did heavy work, project wide, under the hood: we switched from http to https. Everywhere. You can count us now to the 50% (at least according to Firefox statistics) of the web which implemented and use it already. This was no easy part and still there are issues. Let’s give you an overview of some of the problems we faced:
, if you didn’t know already about it. Otherwise your sites will crash/not use httpsWorking with the internet today is almost entirely defined by working with the WWW. No matter what you do, the most of the stuff you do online you do via your web browser. Heck, even smartphone apps use the web as their platform.
We may have lost the fight to keep the web an open medium. Not a good sign. But we are still in fighting to keep it a secure medium. Which is, well, until someone in maybe 27 years from now on (remember, the web was born around 1990) will know new facts, read between the lines again and state “https is deprecated”!
Never stop fighing. Never.
Enjoy SSL everywhere,
the aethyx staff