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Merry Christmas!

Dear readers and customers,

how and wherever you celebrate, work or just spend a few quiet days: we wish you a peaceful time, health, reason and empathy!

The advent calendars have certainly been looted, the gifts have hopefully all been bought and the Christmas tree is in place – another year of the pandemic is drawing to a close.

We hope that your company or organization will be spared the effects of blackmail trojans, because the BSI expects more attacks if the staffing levels are thin during this time. Some employees will have had a lot to do up until today’s festival due to safety precautions.

The Shabbat begins for the Jews this evening, Christians then celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, but today is also the day of remembrance in some churches of the supposedly first parents of this planet, who are said to have only been born when it was light.

The entire AETHYX MEDIAE staff as well as the editors of,,,,,, wish you Happy Holidays!

May you look back on the past few months at your leisure and prepare for what is to come. We wish the desperate confidence, all sick recovery, the corona infected a mild course, all mourning consolation, the exhausted strength, the lost a guide, the fearful courage, the hateful insight and all refugees safe accommodation.

The IT world will not stand still in the seven days until the turn of the year, we will also provide you with the latest news on the holidays and between the years as well as some longer readings. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and a peaceful, happy and successful 2022. Stay healthy!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

as of 2020 and we were ten years into the game here, we started making concrete plans for our future, the future of AETHYX MEDIAE.

We achieved a lot, we had fun building things; but in the end most of our developments centered around web development. Then came COVID-19 and things changed automatically, and irreversibly.

We came up with four fields last year for which we want to develop applications the coming years:

  • AR – augmented reality
  • VR – virtual reality
  • AI – artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain and DApps

The transition as well as development for those four fields will be done in three phases, called Phase I-III internally, over the next 10-15 years.

In the first phase, Phase I, starting 2020 and lasting until the end of 2024, we’ll start consolidation. Which means halting all development of unsuccessful apps and web projects we list on our “Where?” page. For example, only two of our Android apps are running well, all others flopped. We’ll stop developing those four and concentrate on our two most successful. Same with web projects: projects which don’t attract visitors or generate revenue will be abandoned, maybe need to be closed/sold (hint: open-source projects maximum will be abandoned, not closed).

Secondly, while still in our first phase, we’ll develop two market-ready applications for two of the four aforementioned fields. Our planning is two to four even.

The second phase, Phase II, is mainly about commercially having success with what we developed in Phase I. This will include marketing as well as having according partners and sponsors. Main target EU and European markets, but targeting worldwide audiences too.

Phase III is also about consolidation again, re-evaluating our efforts and successes, as well as our failures. It will be here if we decide to develop more and more; or keep to our developments if we see potential and still believe in those; or even close all together if total failure.

We think having a concrete plan these days is more important than ever. We don’t think we’ll ever have success with something if we don’t deliver for the four essential mentioned future fields.

The WWW as we came to know it and loved back then is dead since years. It’s time to move on. Success and failure are both two sides of the same coin. Let’s hope for the best and we rock the sh*t out if it the coming years! All in all, it was a helluva ride. But we need to stay realistic too: AETHYX MEDIAE started as a student project while at University. If it doesn’t mature and keep up with time, it will die as such.

Thanks for keeping up with us, girls and guys! Wish us luck!

Stay healthy and all the best,
the aethyx staff

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W1P3'0UT" Omega

Dear readers and customers,

without a doubt, we live in difficult and complicated times. At least temporarily, for two months in a row now, the daily life we knew and celebrated is no more.

But wait, there’s hope!

With more time than ever available since we are adults, let’s use the situation to change the world for the better!

And no, we don’t do this in watching a brand new TV series or buying some new toys for our kitchens or living rooms.

We want to be active. We want to be creative. We want to develop ourselves. And create a brighter future.

What better than starting your own blog now, for example? Become an expert in a special field or maybe you even are already one and want to share your ideas? We are here to help!

Who knows, maybe you’re sitting on a Word document you just want to publish for ages now. Your first real book and need help in converting it into an eBook and publish it via multiple stores? Yes, that’s what we’re also here for!

You always wanted to hit thousands of smartphones and tablets with your unique app idea? Hey, let us be your guide!

And there’s so much more:

Set up your own cloud? Be independent from Twitter? Need your own social network? Need IT consultancy (starting from 49€/h)? Or just want to have a quick chat? Reach out to us anytime, we’re happy to hear from you:

You have to know we’re around in here for 20 years now, albeit not permanently under the same name and brand. In fact even we would be surprised to find a field in web and IT we can’t be of help. Use our experience and profit from us! Accelerate your future with us!

Stay healthy and best wishes,
the aethyx staff

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20 years of experience in web publishing.

10 years in independent online publishing.

2 words.

1 epic idea.

Still grinding.

Happy Birthday, AETHYX MEDIAE!

Independent Semantic Online Publishing.

Made with <3 in EU.

Since 2010.

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Dear readers & customers,

for us at AETHYX MEDIAE it’s time to celebrate this month:

as of August the 8th 2018, we counted the 1,000,000th visitor at our oldest project,!


It’s amazing in regarding the fact that we installed this counter back in 2006, when we ported the project from Greymatter to WordPress. Unfortunately, because this was an indie underground project, we never had the mood, time or resources to count visitors from 2001 on, when the project went live, to the aforementioned date.

What’s interesting too is: the number mentioned and the counter which you can still see live in action on the website on the lower right corner, these are really visitors, not page views. In this day and age both KPIs (key performance indicators) are confused very often. What a pity, the web is 27 years old now…

In page views, we are nearing the five million mark: right now it’s showing us 4,915,471.

We still want to thank anyone who still visits this intergalactic anthology antiquity!

As you may have read on our Where? page, we shut down the blog and released all of its content in eBooks, in 2017 also in books on demand via Amazon.

To be honest and that’s what impresses us even more here: isn’t our first project to reach the infamous one million visitors mark.

The first project which achieved this milestone for us was, our video game blog. It happened on April the 11th, 2011.

The counter here was implemented right from the start in 2005, shortly after we aquired the URL and published the system along with its first entry. So what we see here as counter data in the first sidebar is really what’s rolling in since the project was born. will also be our first project to reach the 2,000,000 visitors milestone. Right now we’re at 1,955,981. And due to financial and time problems we almost update nothing there anymore. In page views, is even more impressing: 17,655,816. Never in our dreams would we have imagined to do a “no budget web project” with such figures…

We don’t know when but the party will be joined by, our gadget blog, as the counter there is somewhere in the 250,000s. As you may have read between the lines above this may take ages.

But hey, that’s how indie projects work! <3

Today we’re going to celebrate a little: if you like join us in Lisbon, most of the time you’ll find us roaming the streets around Bairro Alto or Costa da Caparica. We’re even sometimes visiting the small beaches in Cascais when we’re drunk, haha! Well, due to the fact that we have to get there by train this doesn’t happen very often. Of course we can’t guarantee that we’re still alive when you see or meet us but we’re living the indie dream and touching is explicitly allowed! <3 Just be prepared for a incalculable reaction. 😉



The Million Makers.

Nice to meet you!

Time to book us:

get drunk already,
the aethyx staff

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