As of now we represent independent online publishing on Facebook. You are able to visit our official page at:
The first thing you will surely recognize is this huge URL. Unfortunately we won’t get a smart address until we attracted 25 fans minimum. So, it’s time to give us your thumbs up! We included the notorious “Like”-button under every text, to make things fast & sexy.
In the future you will get all our news directly inside your Facebook-stream. You can also comment and share the entries from this particular page. So it should be easier to stay in touch with our supporters, fans & clients.
Of course you will also find our “Kura”-symbol there. As we said in one of our earliest posts, it represents our philosophy entirely.
The graphic we used there is from a guy named troley. It is called “cyberpunk awesome” and is attributed with a Creative Commons-license. To visit his galery on flickr, see: He has a lot of great cyberpunk stuff online.
This is it, for now. Read next month: How we made it into an RPG-Facebook-game. Believe us: We didn’t see that coming.
So long,
the aethyx staff
[Update, 02.10.12]
As of now we got a smart URL for AETHYX MEDIAE – Independent Online Publishing on Facebook!
Visit us via!
Thank you, Facebook. (We say this explicitly because we do not have the minimum of 30 fans yet but were allowed to choose this URL anyway.)