Special Offers

Special offers from us for you

Dear readers,

in a couple of months we’re existing as an online publishing house for more than a decade.

What we observed so far is, although we got a diversification of tools we can use and set up online, plus there are more available than when we started, the problem today seems we’re overlooking too fast which one is the best for ourselves.

logo used by the EFF for free speech
(A logo representing free speech by the EFF)

No illusions here: the world around us became more complicated.

When we started setting up and building weblogs there wasn’t even a technical term for this technology. YouTube didn’t exist yet as well as other “social networks”, smartphones or tablets.

So, believe us please that even we couldn’t anticipate which tools and services we would offer over time.

What started as pioneering online publishing technology in 2001 finally became AETHYX MEDIAE in 2010, offering a plethora of services and technology for the 21. century made with love and based in Europe:

We call these four our core services today as we got most of our knowledge here as well as our own history (and clients, of course).

Despite those listed we’re always open for trying something new.

Let us mention here our PS3 Linux repository project, our one and only MediaWiki project Kryptowiki, we even started an adult toy store in 2014 or an own social network project we use for inhouse communication. The list won’t end here: https://aethyx.eu/where/.

Thus, we never know where technology may lead us and we take risks but are also proud of exploring new realms. Just like you!

Which brings us back to the title of this post: which of these tools is the best for you? Let us be your partner and drop us a line to find out: info@aethyx.eu!

Like you we’re eager where our journey together will lead us. And just because the tool we’ll find together is not listed yet on our websites doesn’t mean we don’t offer it. 🙂 The future is here to conquer it together!

Hope to hear from you soon,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers & customers,

the age of PHP 5.x is finally over, welcome PHP 7.x running many of our web projects:

PHP7 logo

Which means today, April the 12th 2019, is the very last day your projects and webspace might support PHP 5.x. Regarding EOL of PHP 5.x we’re months overdue now.

We strongly advise you to update your projects to the newest PHP version.

If you’re using AddHandler code snippets, switch to this one please: AddHandler php72-cgi .php.

If you need further help, that’s what we are here for, just drop us a line: info@aethyx.eu.

As long as you’re a client of us, AETHYX MEDIAE, we’ll switch your project/webspace for free if the switch didn’t work out of the box already.

If you need to update a plugin we would be happy to help too:

Depending on lines of code we charge 50€ (min.) to 99€ (max.) per plugin. Please contact us with the name(s) of your plugin(s) if one of those is essential for you and we’ll be happy to help: info@aethyx.eu.

As we were already posting back in October 2018, we updated some of our plugins which contained legacy code and which we edited to work with PHP 7.x ourselves.

Check out our free repository: https://gitlab.com/aethyx/opensource/tree/master/WordPress%20plugins. Feel free to download, share & contribute!

Happy updating and Happy Easter 2019,
the aethyx staff

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Hello dear readers & customers,

today, we want to introduce to you our one and only “social media expert” Rae McCoy:

Rae McCoy

Rae is so far our only expert for anything Q&A related for our deluxe premium adult toy store, 53x.toys.

If there is anything open about our toys there, you want to get a Nornenrad tarot sent to your Email mailbox (75€), or just want to chat for a while, don’t hesitate to contact her!

She’s to this day still unmarried, doesn’t want kids, is bisexual and Scorpio too.

Have fun & respect her, please, she has a very tough job on Facebook & Twitter.

Have a nice day and happy masturbating,
the aethyx staff

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Owncloud to Nextcloud migration at AETHYX MEDIAE

Dear readers & customers,

we are happy to inform you about our successful transition regarding our cloud services from ownCloud to Nextcloud!

We implemented the Nextcloud software on our servers back in May and tested our configuration heavily. In the meantime all of our ownCloud cloud customers were migrated with all of their data to Nextcloud and informed via an Email about the new URL. We encountered zero problems in migrating the data of our clients. We will disable ownCloud the following weeks completely. Please don’t forget to change your client software on your smartphones and tablets.

For you as a client there won’t be any additional change.

It will be the next generation cloud software for you with no additional cost and the included services stay the same too. We will be sure you will notice fewer bugs as well as moderate speed enhancements. And who knows which feature we’ll implement next for you. Stay tuned!

As an overview, we’ll also update the product page in the next couple of days: just visit https://aethyx.eu/eshop/cloud-services/ for more information.

We hope you enjoy our services and would welcome it if you tell your friends about our offers too!

Happy heat waving 2018,
the aethyx staff

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Dear readers,

we at AETHYX MEDIAE believe strongly in the Ethereum project initiated by Vitalik Buterin. In fact we think it’s the hottest candidate for “Project of the 21. century”. We currently don’t know if such a contest even exists but want to support the project as of now our way.

Official Ethereum logo
The official logo taken from https://www.ethereum.org/assets

Thus, after implementing an option to support Bitcoin in 2014, as of now it will be possible to support AETHYX MEDIAE via Ether donations directly.

We will roll out the donation buttons on our most popular medium first, gizmeo.eu. Afterwards we will implement it here, on aethyx.eu, as well as on all our other projects onwards.

As we couldn’t find a pre-made button for our intentions we made one inhouse ourselves.

Well, two in fact, as we couldn’t decide for the naming. So one of them just says ethereum, the other says donate ether, both in using the official font “Print clearly” which we found out via reddit here.

We also decided to share both buttons with the world. ^^

You can download them here as well find an official README.md document: https://gitlab.com/aethyx/opensource/tree/master/Ethereum%20buttons.


  • using official font “Print clearly”
  • official Ethereum logo, it’s just a resized version to fit the button
  • official background colour #ECF0F1
  • beveled button
  • two versions available
  • *.png file extension
  • size 110x20px
  • CC BY-SA 4.0

We tried hard to stick to the official visual identity guideline as much as possible.

We hope you enjoy! Made with <3 in Europe!

All the bestest,
the aethyx staff

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AI Translator
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