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Dear readers and customers,

the pandemic and now an ongoing war in Europe since over a year combined with an excessive media consumption because of several lockdowns through this entire time made one thing clear: “everything falls apart”.

But is this really the case?

Can we say that peoples’ interests and what the media provides for its consumers became really worse?

Is this just a subjective opinion, varying from individual to individual, or is it scientifically traceable?

That’s exactly what we did in our now finished field study “Into The German Mind” from February 2022 to February 2023.

We wanted to know what really grinds the gears for Germans and makes it to the top on Google Trends.

Here are the results from one whole year of observation:

Somehow you need to provide proof if you think everything is going to sh*t.
Somehow bad media coverage should be traceable.
The same is true for the interest of the average media consumer: if there is no interest in serious or relevant topics, media outlets won’t provide this as they can’t sell ads here and make no money. It’s a no-brainer.

So let us categorise the results for you now for easier interpretation, starting with the most sought after and going down from there:

Technology: IIIII I
Crime: IIIII
Health: IIII
Art: III
Science: II
Religion: II

And the winner is: Entertainment! One hundred and thirteen mentionings out of 329 overall in only one year! What people in Germany want and “need” the most, a country with to date 83 million inhabitants, is not health, not science, not even sports, they want entertainment! So Kurt Cobain in “Smells like teen spirit” (1991) was totally right: “Here we are now, entertain us!” And it seems nothing changed in 32 long years. Heavy. If you can’t provide news and links and junk and whatnot about this topic, don’t try to open or maintain a media outlet in Germany: you will go bankrupt with it.

Second place, not really surprising over here: sports. Football and tennis are incredibly popular, so these are the most hot topics people were looking on the internet here. Followed by some US “sports” like football or wrestling.

Third place: politics. A little bit surprising if you ask us. Not so surprising if you know a bit about German history. It’s really the only ray of hope in the Top 3 here, as this is not only done by the people in a democracy and the discussion about “democracy crisis” is ongoing since over a decade now. But it shows people in Germany still like the “meta” in their life and in the world, want to take influence in a way and change the everyday life to the positive. Because really this is the only chance we have as individuals to do so in a democracy and it’s also a good prospect for the collective. Present and future.

Honorable mention: life at #4. If you need social aid, these are the topics you are looking for. Same is true for your pet or if you need compensation for your heating. Or you would like to know which holiday is at the moment, etc. Some of this is irrelevant, no discussion about that. But some is also important for your everyday life which shows us Germany is not full of zombies as the winner of the categorisation which took the top spot would suggest. Nevertheless: don’t think you can make money with it, as entertainment, sports and even politics will take the crown for relevancy. Think about that for a moment if that’s really how you want to proceed in your life. In Germany, Europe; wherever you might be at the moment reading this.

Everything else is neglectable: Economy. Technology. Crime. Even health, a topic which we thought would be important during pandemic times – totally not true, the facts say otherwise. Oh, and don’t ever think making content about science, religion or art! Of course you can do, nobody is stopping you from doing it. But paying your rent with it? Nah. Im-poss-ible. Nobody will look for it, nobody will pay for ads here. Do yourself a favour and look for other hobbies, like becoming an influencer (entertainment!) or becoming a tennis star (sports!) for example. No, please don’t. This was a joke, OK. Maybe a bad one but a joke, j-o-k-e.

So, yes, which took the top spot over a whole year might suggest exactly that: all is going to shit. If all people really care about is entertainment, life has no meaning anymore. Like Kurt Cobain fabulously told us in one of his most memorisable songs. May he rest in peace, as he also failed miserably to change something to the better and finally, sadly, killed himself. The only hope we have here is that trends vary, on Google Trends and elsewhere. And they vary in even shorter timespans as ever before. What held relevancy in the past for over a decade or more, then for a decade, only applies today for a timespan of just a few years. So when we come back in, let’s say 10 years, doing the same study, we might have another ranking. With, who knows, maybe science taking the top spot. Or art. Of course the possibility of that is minor to happen but it’s not completely ruled out as the future, our future, is still unwritten.

Facts are facts. What you did in the past defines your present. What you do in the present defines your future. Be your own future! That’s another reason why we are here, AETHYX MEDIAE, your friendly and helpful indie online publishing house.

Let us help you in changing things for the better! Start your own blog! Write your own eBook! You want to work collectivly on your own projects, rent some of our cloud space! Want your own app – of course, we got you covered! Hire us now and be part of a future where we tackle the concepts of relevancy, all by ourselves.

We hope you enjoyed our excursus today, it took a lot of work and discipline from us. But it was also a lot of fun.

Take care and best wishes,
your aethyx staff

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Dear readers and customers,

today we want to celebrate the most beautiful and sophisticated planet Earth came up with as of yet: women!

It’s hard to believe but to this day, women are still one of the most oppressed groups of people in our (modern?) society.

In many countries, so called developed countries in the western hemisphere included here, there were only small positive changes in the last centuries. Centuries where women were gaslighted, hunted, tortured, burnt alive for ridiculous reasons, sometimes even just for the sake of the most human wish, progressing in oneselves life.

Why those positive changes were only so small throughout such unbelievable long times would burst the scope of this blog post and is still a hot debated topic in academic circles – we thus want to keep it there, as change will come only from science in our times.

So let us all remind ourselves to be always fair to women, be kind. Don’t be the puppet of stupid harmful dogma from millenia ago. Be a part of the change instead, always try to show women your best. If in doubt, always stand by the women. Because without women no one of us would be here: no life, no breathing, no light nor colour but only darkness, silence and loneliness until all of eternity.

Happy Women’s Day!

Empowering the people means empowering women. Maybe we can’t show it to you all the time. But we love you. Be strong and keep on!

All the best,
the aethyx staff

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…and think you should too!

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WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering more than 40% of all websites on the internet. It’s no surprise that so many people and businesses choose WordPress to build their online presence, as it offers a wide range of benefits that make it a great choice for both individuals and the web as a whole.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why WordPress is good for you and the web:

  • Easy to use
    WordPress is incredibly easy to use, even for those with little to no technical experience. The platform’s user-friendly interface allows you to create, publish, and manage content without having to write a single line of code. Whether you’re a blogger, business owner, or website developer, you’ll find WordPress to be intuitive and easy to work with.
  • Customizable
    One of the best things about WordPress is its flexibility and customizability. With thousands of free and premium themes and plugins available, you can create a website that looks and functions exactly how you want it to. Whether you’re building a blog, eCommerce site, or portfolio, WordPress makes it easy to customize your site to suit your needs.
  • SEO-friendly
    WordPress is built with SEO in mind, which means it’s optimized for search engines right out of the box. The platform is designed to be fast and lightweight, which is important for improving your website’s search engine rankings. Additionally, there are many SEO plugins available that can help you optimize your content for search engines, such as Yoast SEO.
  • Secure
    WordPress takes security seriously, which is why the platform is updated regularly to ensure that it’s secure against the latest threats. Additionally, there are many security plugins available that can help you further secure your site, such as Wordfence and iThemes Security.
  • Open source
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  • Accessibility
    WordPress is committed to making the web accessible to everyone, which is why the platform is designed with accessibility in mind. This means that people with disabilities can access and use your website with ease, which is important for reaching a wider audience.
  • Support
    WordPress has a large and active community of users who are always willing to help each other out. Whether you need help with a specific issue or just want to connect with other WordPress users, you’ll find plenty of support in the WordPress community.

In conclusion, WordPress is good for you and the web because it’s easy to use, customizable, SEO-friendly, secure, open-source, accessible, and has a large and supportive community. If you’re looking to build a website, WordPress is a great choice that will help you create a site that looks great, functions well, and reaches a wide audience.

As you’re now probably convinced about the facts, let us help you in setting things up and make your personal web going: https://aethyx.eu/eshop/. Become a part of our network and be another happy customer! Because that’s why we’re here, AETHYX MEDIAE is helping you being a part of the future. Contact us now!

Best wishes and hope to hear from you soon,
the aethyx staff

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As we ring in the new year, it’s natural to reflect on the past and think about the future. The past year has been one of unprecedented challenges, but it has also been a time of resilience and adaptation. As we look ahead to the new year, it’s important to acknowledge the lessons we’ve learned and the ways in which we’ve grown.

One of the most important things we’ve learned is the importance of community. The pandemic has reminded us of the vital role that families, friends, and neighbors play in our lives. It’s also highlighted the importance of local businesses, who have had to adapt and innovate in order to survive.

As we move forward, we must also acknowledge the ongoing challenges we face. Climate change, racial and social injustice, and economic inequality are all pressing issues that must be addressed. But we must also remember that change starts at the local level. By supporting our communities and local businesses, we can help to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

So, as we start the new year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the past and think about the future. Let’s embrace the new beginnings that come with the new year, and let’s work together to create a better world for all.

Best wishes,
the aethyx (AI) staff

P.S.: this news post as well as its headline were created by the AI chat bot GPT-3. This topic will accompany us for this year as well as much more to come so we thought it was a suitable action and hope you enjoyed!

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Dear readers and customers,

the year 2022 will leave us into a great uncertainty.

There’s still a pandemic raging around the planet.
There’s a war going on by Russian aggressors against Ukraine, a free and independent democratic country in eastern Europe.
And there are consequences which western nations will need to take by boycotting totalitarian states like China, with another war against another independent country, Taiwan, looming at the not so distant horizon.

We’ll be honest with you, we had better times. And unfortunately it’s not possible at the moment what price we will pay for our mutual future, as it’s a huge burden for independent small companies like us to make money and stay alive through difficult and uncertain times.

Nevertheless, we are willing to adapt, no matter what difficulties may arise the next years. We are sure if we will make it to, e.g. 2025, we should have the resilience to be there for a longer time. If not, whatever. We did our best. And we’re not willing to accept an unwritten future. Yet.

As such, we will maintain and develop products which help you manage and enjoy your life. We always do this by open-source technology, we always bring our heart into them, we always strive to bring out the best with very limited resources. And we think we do this well, as you might have already read up on our “Where?” page.

For 2022 we won’t tease you with a seasonal image in our last company article of the year like we always do. The last years were hard, 2022 was a negative highlight of it all, with too much lives taken for nothing on our home territory Europe.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, that you stay healthy and can have a wonderful time with your loved ones. And also a Happy New Year: may your batteries be recharged well because we will need those energies for at least another two years.

Take care and all the best to you,
the aethyx staff

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